My 2 cents of Sense: ACCOUNTABILITY Lets say you are a manager - TopicsExpress


My 2 cents of Sense: ACCOUNTABILITY Lets say you are a manager of a large store. One day you get caught lying to your customers about the products you sell by making promises in which you know the products cant deliver. Will you: a) Get fired? b) Get reprimanded or demoted? c) Blame it on someone/something else which your bosses buy so you get off the hook? d) Get a raise, some time off, and a big promotion? Lets say you are a CEO of a huge financial institution. After a few years, the stockholders have lost much of their earnings, your customers notice they are being ripped off, and the company now owes trillions in more debt. Will you: a) Get fired? b) Get reprimanded or demoted? c) Put the blame on someone/something else which the IRS and states Attorney General buys so you get off the hook? d) Get a bonus, some time off, and box tickets to this years Super Bowl? Lets say you are a top ranking general of the Armed Forces. One day a squad of soldiers becomes pinned down by enemy fire, takes casualties, and requests immediate E-VAC and support. You watch the situation develop, yet instead of rescue, you do nothing but go off to bed before a long trip in the morning, deny the requests, and tell others in the situation room to monitor the situation to let you know what happens in the morning. Will you: a) Get fired? b) Get reprimanded or demoted? c) Blame it on someone/something else which the media and others in the military buys so that you get off the hook? d) Get a promotion, some time off, and a building named after you? Lets say you are the captain of a huge ship called the USS America. One day, despite numerous warnings, you order the ship to head directly towards shallow waters, hitting the reef, and causing the whole ship to sink. Everyone but you dies, millions of dollars are lost, and nothing remains of the USS America but pictures and memories. Will you: a) Get fired? b) Get reprimanded or demoted? c) Blame it on someone/something else which the families of the dead, the ships owners, and the media buys so you get off the hook? d) Get a new ship, some time off, and a standing ovation for saving yourself? Are you beginning to see the pattern here? In a real world, you will be held accountable for your actions. You are the one in charge, so the buck stops with you, and so does the fallout of your actions, or lack of actions to save the situation from becoming a catastrophe. So most likely, you will be fired, looked upon by others as a bad person, ripped apart by the media, probably sued and arrested to spend plenty of time off thinking about what you did while sitting in some prison. But politics and Washington isnt the real world any longer. The minion of public representatives who think they are gods have put themselves above the law, above the people who pay their salaries, and above any repercussions for their actions or lack of actions to stop a crisis which turns into a catastrophe. In politics and Washington, someone or something else is always to blame, so the media buys anything they sell, and they get off scott-free. The sad part is that many do get promotions, quality-time off, and a huge bonus for a job well done for their screw ups. In politics and in Washington, theres no longer any accountability. And though there are plenty of fingers to point blame, those with the ability to bring justice and accountability idly sit by and do nothing because they are either part of it, or they fear their own repercussions for being accountable themselves in trying to do the right thing. When you are in fear of telling the truth, yet afraid to tell a lie, then you say nothing, know nothing, and do nothing. There is a lot of money involved in Washington politics. Control of this money means having great power, and for them, accountability means to have the power to control those who can hold these criminal traitors accountable silent so that nothing can stop these traitors from continuing their obsession of greed and control. It has always been this way in Washington, though at times there have been some who have been held to accountability, but the reasons are not that which should be the justifiable cause. For if one member doesnt tow the line for the Party, becomes too selfish or steps beyond the limits, and becomes a threat to their system, then they are taken down and roasted over the coals to make the people satisfied that justice in Washington is being served. Usually, its a Republican who gets roasted, as an all out war has been declared against anyone wanting to disrupt the Washington Two-step of take and screw, or tax and spend as its politely said. Our Framers had the right ideas when constructing the Constitution. Little did they realize, at the time, of the extent of greed and corruption that would prevail by using the Constitution for their own personal gains, leaving the people in which the Constitution is suppose to reflect upon to flip the tab and take it in the rear for the game in which they now play for keeps in Ol DC. Shyster constitutional lawyers, like Barack Obama, have changed the words and their meanings so that the Constitution now reflects upon them, as any criminals lawyer tries to use the law to get their client out of prosecution and punishment. The laws have been changed to keep these criminals in Washington justified in their actions. If no law has been broken, and if no one will prosecute, then how can anyone hold them accountable when they have done nothing wrong... nothing wrong in the eyes of the law in which they designed to fit their needs at the time? Yet, when you or I does something as such, even much less, we are held to the stake until our flesh burns from the power of got you prosecution. In fact, in todays law, you dont have to do anything wrong to get the hammer thrown down upon you. They fabricate it as they go along, and make you look guilty before you even stand trial. Sure, justice is blind, but that may be the problem, as shes so blinded that she doesnt see the tricks being played behind her back, or in front of her nose. If they have you on their list, they will find a way to take you down, one way or another, even to the extent of becoming another suicide statistic, or sudden heart attack victim. I have seen many Presidents deny responsibility for actions under their administration which caused pain and suffering of others. Jimmy Carter is a prime example, but Barack Obama doesnt begin to hold a candle against all the wrong doings of the Carter era. The Teflon President doesnt have anything stick to him, nor does anyone under his administration seem to be held accountable, as the Press Secretary, the media, and talking heads for the administration and Democrat Party seems to always have an excuse and deniability of the actions proclaimed upon them. And when the AG, Eric Holder, the federal judges Obama appointed, and the SCOTUS stacked in favor by Obama, tells us that they are justified as there were no wrong doings, then what kind of example does this set for others, and tells the rest of the world which believes America is a nation of laws? I hear Congressmen and Senators get on talk radio, on FOX News, and a few other non-liberal news sites, tell of the arrogance and atrocities of this administration. Ive even heard some claim that actions conducted by this administration are of impeachable offense... even treasonous. Yet, what is being done? Through Obamas falsified BC and personal documents, through Beghazi, the VA, IRS, NSA, and now the GITMO 5 Trading Scandal, where are those who stand for justice and accountability? How can anyone deny testimony or production of evidence for a congressional committee and get away with it? If Nixon can be forced to resign over a cover up of his people in a break-in, whether he knew or didnt know wasnt the point. Nixon lied and destroyed evidence, he was guilty. If Clinton can be impeached over a lie and affair with an intern, then hasnt anything Obama done been far worse? With Nixon and Clinton, at least no one died, no guns traded, no conspiring with the enemy, and no spying upon the citizenry occurred. It all seems to be a 3-ring circus act any longer, and we are being shown the outer circle acts to keep us distracted from the main event. The ring-master has his whip and whistle, and he uses it indiscriminately to get the show and audience to react to him. So long as we are entertained, we will pay the price to see the show. The Grand Illusion will continue until someone gets the balls to hold wrongdoers accountable. As Styx says in their song: Join us in our blind ambition, Get yourself a brand new motorcar. Someday soon well stop to ponder, What on earths this spell were under. We made the grade and still we wonder Who the hell we are? Thank you for your support. Bless all who fights for justice! Written By: Jim Hovda foxnews/on-air/on-the-record/2013/07/31/teflon-president-exposed-rush-explains-his-limbaugh-theorem-obama
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 18:58:11 +0000

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