My Credentials. I was asked by my partner Gene the other day, - TopicsExpress


My Credentials. I was asked by my partner Gene the other day, what my credentials are for writing the inspirational book Im working on. I paused for a second and realized a great truth from his excellent question. I knew that I would have to write a page about who I am and why anyone should read these words, but to that point, I hadnt given it real thought. In an instant the answer came to me from the same vein of truth that all the other words come from everyday. Its simple...I am just like you. No different. No higher and no lower. Im just a guy who heard the truth and listened. Its easy to think that wisdom and true knowing only comes from sages, doctors, holier than thou authorities and people we consider to be professionals. I am none of these. I am just like you. When I began really tuning into the wisdom that has been spoken since time began, it sounded right. It sounded true to me. At first I said, how will this ever fit into the world I had created up until that point. I was asleep to this in many ways, as were my friends, family and most of the world. I would be thought of as some weird, holy roller or something. But the more I read and the more I listened, the more it just became me. What I thought was correct in many areas of my life, was just lies of the ego. Lies Ive told myself, beliefs and paths of others instead of my own, and no grounding in who I really am. Anxiety ridden, fearful, low self esteem and hoping to fit in. Yes, Ive known all of these, just like you. Awakening is what we all must do my friends. Its not religion, although truth can be found there. Its not someone elses manifesto for you to live your life by. Its YOU waking up to your own true nature of goodness and eternal life force. You are so much more than you think you are. You are amazing and the truth shines its light on all of it. The more you decide to exercise your own true power, the more it grows. Your life expands in amazing ways and problems become opportunities to use more of this power. Kindness and generosity become your calling card and you live each day in the marvel of the present moment, instead of the mistakes of the past and the worry of an unknown future. This is the gold within you. Inner peace and strength that youve never known. I am only able to write these words everyday because Ive tested their truth in every area of my life. And every area has improved immensely because of it. My guidance for my family is sound. My marriage is the best its ever been and I am truly grateful for all I have. These are no longer just thoughts I used to practice. They are the real me. The me that I uncovered through this wisdom. So, I am happy to give my most important credential. Im just like you. You too can and must shed the heavy, old coat of all the inessentials youve become attached to. Strip them away one by one. Use the truth as your new lifes filter and discard the stuff that never really worked for you anyway. It is my sincere wish that these words from a friend will begin to open your eyes and be a catalyst for your awakening. Waking each other up from the false nature of the ego and sharing your light everyday as the real you, will indeed change the world. It will most certainly change your own as it did mine. Have a great day my friends.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 12:58:30 +0000

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