My Daily Creed by Napoleon Hill Success is achieved by those - TopicsExpress


My Daily Creed by Napoleon Hill Success is achieved by those who are thoroughly imbued with belief that they can attain it. They are convinced of one fact: Whatever my mind can conceive and believe, my mind can achieve! They consciously work to develop belief in themselves and their capability to realize any goal they set for themselves. Edwin C. Barnes conditioned his mind to a single aim- to become the business partner of the great inventor, Thomas A. Edison. Barnes developed his tremendous power of belief by daily repetition of a creed. Repeating this creed to yourself at least once a day will help you to realize your greatest wishes, too. Here it is: I will channel my mind toward prosperity and success by keeping my thoughts as much as possible upon the major goal I have set for myself. I will free my mind of self-made limitations by drawing upon the power of Infinite Intelligence through unlimited faith. I will keep my mind free of greed and covetousness by sharing my blessings with those who are worthy to receive them. I will substitute a positive type of discontentment for indolent self-satisfaction so I may continue to learn and grow both physically and spiritually. I will keep an open mind on all subjects and toward all people so I may rise above intolerance. I will look for good in others and school myself to deal gently with their faults. I will avoid self-pity. Under all circumstances I will seek stimulation to greater effort. I will recognize and respect the difference between the material thing I need and desire, and my rights to receive them. I will cultivate the habit of going the extra mile- always rendering more and better service than is expected of me. I will turn adversity and defeat into assets by remembering that they always carry with them the seed of equivalent benefits. I will always conduct myself toward others in such manner that I may never be ashamed to face the man I greet at the mirror each morning. Finally, my daily prayer will be for wisdom to recognize and live my life in harmony with the overall purpose of the Creator. Repeating this creed every day will soak into your subconscious mind and make it part of your character. Through it, you will develop attributes that will help you to attain a pleasing personality
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 23:44:12 +0000

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