My Fellow Patriot, What: Audit the IRS Rally When: Wednesday, - TopicsExpress


My Fellow Patriot, What: Audit the IRS Rally When: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 from Noon – 3pm Where: West Lawn of the US Capitol Download your Rally Posters here Download your Audit the IRS Rally toolkit here The IRS has become too big and too powerful. The government abused its power through the IRS and targeted you for the ‘crime’ of being a Patriot. Now it’s time to stand up, speak up, and set things right. This is your moment to fight and win. Join Glenn Beck and the Tea Party Patriots – this Wednesday June 19 – for the AUDIT THE IRS RALLY. What: Audit the IRS Rally When: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 from Noon – 3pm Where: West Lawn of the US Capitol Download your Rally Posters here Download your Audit the IRS Rally toolkit here "I will go and stand, and I ask you to do the same" – Glenn Beck telling his listeners to rally in DC this Wednesday – the first time he has mobilized his listeners since the massive "Restoring Honor" rally in August of 2010. Glenn Beck stands with us. So will: Sens. Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz, Congressmen Steve King, Louie Gohmert, Michele Bachmann, Jim Bridenstine and others. We have coalitions partners like Breitbart, Heritage Action, Restore America’s Voice, American Center for Law and Justice, Gateway Pundit, The Institute for Liberty, Grassfire/Patriot Action Network, War Room Radio Program, and Tea Party Students. Most importantly, we will be joined by American groups and patriotic citizens who have been personally affected by the IRS targeting and discrimination including: Justin Binik-Thomas, Marion Bower, George Brunemann, Joe Dugan, Becky Gerritson, Kelly Horsley, Darcy Kahrhoff, Kevin Kookegey, Sue Martinek, Gerri McDaniel, Daniel Moore, Rick Morlen, Austin Nimrocks, Laura Van Overschelde, Katrina Pierson, Paul Simpson, and Mark West. The IRS operates by fear, intimidation – and now by targeting patriotic American citizens. Americans have been afraid of their government for years. They were afraid that the IRS, FBI, or other government agencies will show up at their homes or businesses to intimidate and bully them further – like the IRS did to the Tea Party Patriots. Now it’s time for us to turn the tables on the IRS. You must show up this Wednesday in Washington DC, to show your fellow Americans – and especially the IRS – that we will not live in fear, we will live like Americans. Show your fellow Americans that they are not alone and that together, united, we will survive and we will return the civic authority to the hands of our people, not unelected government thugs who think they can use their power to control our lives and dictate our actions. We will stand up together on Wednesday for one another, for our freedom, for our Constitution, and for our future. Join us! Stand with us! Fight for a better future! LOGISTICS: The rally will begin promptly at 12 noon, so please plan to arrive no later than 11:45 am. We will gather on the Capitol West Lawn. We have included here a map of the Capitol lawn area so you know where to go. We will be right where it says "Capitol Building" on the map.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 05:31:42 +0000

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