My Letter To Jeff Foster: Dear Friend, why is it that within - TopicsExpress


My Letter To Jeff Foster: Dear Friend, why is it that within the past 2 years or so your posts seem to treat us as if we are suffering. As if suffering or fragility of human life was all there was to life. Why do your posts seem to imply that we are suffering from some sort of imaginary disease - a dreded gom-boo-like disease as apriori stance when reading the posts. Why do you posts treat us and imply that we are wounded children, broken, needing to be coddled, weak, broken-legged, crawling, suffering from a major-depressive-dark-clouded existence, a broken wing, a sense of lack, a suffering patient-like way a being, a sense of never being perfect, a sense of an overwhelming sense of being imperfect, inadequate, etc., the sense of limping through life and never touching the highest skies, never transcending the mood of doubt, despair, inadequacy, cultural-prison. Why is is that your posts treat us as if were are undergoing a continuous therapy session were we never finally have a deep and profound transformative and lasting insight into the nature of life, consciousness, the origin of suffering, society, thought, sadness. Why is it that your teaching doesnt emphasize the highest peaks,the actualization of the greatest potentials of consciousness, the forgotten language of ecstasy. Why is it that your teaching treats us on the basis of being merely suffers and not self-transcending ecstatic beings. Why is it that your teaching treats us as if we are forever limping and not eternally dancing being completely overwhelmed with happiness as if suffering never existence (indeed in truth it doesnt). Why is it that your teaching reinforces and dramatizes the mood of the doubt, chronic depression, encaved existence, and not what the East has said is the true peak and potential for life - what they call sat-chit-ananda - Truth/Existence/Bliss. Why are you treating us with the myth of suffering without radical-investigation into its origin - the mind and society. Why are you implying that life is a broken-leg, horror of hospital wards, and brokenness? Why are you not treating us as if we are always already Ecstatic-self-transcending limitless beings in the Eternal-Infinite-Happiness of Only-God. Why are you merely speaking of the symptoms (depression, limping through existence...) without adressing the cause - society and its conditioning. Why are you not in revolt against the totality of society? The mechanic suffering-mill that produces what is generally human existence. It is clear that for most human beings - existence is suffering - but it doesnt hold that potential inherently. Are you tail-ering your teaching merely for the masses, the common way of being. the common mold, the crowed, the un-evolved species, that is lost and cannot find its way into the inherent capacities of its highest potential where it breaks free of all the un-necessary suffering induced by the cultural-social enterprise? Who are you speaking to? You are not speaking to the mystics, the poets, the rebels, those ecstatically Free in God (As God), youre speaking to the suffering species and suffering is inevitable as you havent kissed the peaks of conscious life - the very transcendence of the prison - which CAN be done. Indeed, it Must be done. So, to whom are you speaking? Life is not meant to be a lingering, broken-legged, existence, life begins where all of that is transcend. If life is only-an eternal sense of imperfect, broken, suffering, samsaric-like existence, then that is no life at all - that is not living at all - thats death, being already dead in the grave-yard of cultural-social conditioning with other robots. Are we supposeto be in therapy forever? Is this Jeff-Foster-Humanistic Therapy until we drop dead? Dear Sir, and Eternal-Friend That Is Who I Only Am, To whom are you even speaking? Youre not speaking to me and reaching me - at times what you are saying can be deeply help-full to suffering states as they can arise, but thats not the totality of life - what is actually possible in life - a free, ecstatic, happy, and creative life. You are helping many - and I can see your Jiddu Krishnamurti influence in not running away from experience however painful it may be. However, Krishnamurti never stayed there - his teaching is a vast field as life is! His teachings points to Sat-Chit-Anada or what he called Intelligence. Same with Osho, Nisargadatta, my close friend Deepak Chopra, the controversial Adi Da, Ananadamaya, etc. Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu, the slick-smooth, flowing, flowering of existence, not a flower rotting in the rain.... this torment unending as if we were studying Christian doctines on suffering, and so on. Dear Friend (Who I Am), Im saying this as your own Self, Come Dance with me in the field, With Rumi, Tagore, Kabir, Come Kiss me in Ecstasy where the impermanent in the only illusion there is, Join me in the Divine Celebration That Existence Is, You are not merely wounded, broken, impermanent or afraid, You Are The Perfect-Ecstasy of Eternal God As Is. You Are Simply Total Freedom, Endless Bliss, Perfect Happiness, You Are That. And Only that Alone Is. xoxoxox With Love, (we will talk about this more in personal as life goes on, etc.). Troy of Is.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 07:28:40 +0000

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