My Little Brother 3.978+, 3978+ touched by 1, 3 978+ hearts that - TopicsExpress


My Little Brother 3.978+, 3978+ touched by 1, 3 978+ hearts that are currently morning, 3978+ people that will never forget. for those of you wondering where I have got 3978+from after I found out about Russell one of the first thing that me and my Brothers did was make a memorial page on Facebook, and to date there has been 3978 individual people that have done something to the page all you had to do was open it and it counted that person. Now let’s think about that number just for a second the first thing that popped in to my head was wow. The next thing that popped in to my head is I can see that. Russell was always the life of the party and if you did not know him, he made it a point that you did with in the first 10 min of showing up to anything. Now I want to play a word game I am going to say a word and think to yourself what is the first thing to pop in your head. The word is Russell. What was the first thing that popped in your head? For me the first thing that popped in my head what not a word but his infections laugh. That laugh that once heard you could do nothing else but start to laugh with him. The first time I meat Russell was in French dorm but I met his laugh before I meet him because I heard it at the end of the hall and I said to myself I got to meet this guy. After meeting him, you quickly learn that he lived life with no fear and he always had a smile no matter what he was doing. I want to go back to the word game again but this time lets think of a list of words. Russell… this time I came up with Determined, pride, fearless, outgoing, loving and caring these are just a few of the traits that Russell displayed on a normal bases. one of my most recent story of Russell came back in June. My girlfriend and I wanted to go to short pump mall so on our way out of town, we stopped by his place to see if he wanted to go. It was at this point almost noon when we got to his place; want to know where I found him sleeping in bed still. So we woke him up and asked him if he wanted to go…. His response was idk if I can I need to see if I passed my classes. This is one of the first times I have ever seen fear on his face because he did not want to disappoint anyone. He checked his grades and he instantly started to cry. He was crying tears of joy and happiness because he had did something that he feared he would not be able to. This was the happiest I have ever seen Russell the emotions he went through in the matter of 2 min were crazy but I could experience that with him every day for the rest of my life I could. And even though he is no longer here physically I will relive that every day for the rest of my life in my heart. Let’s play the game one last time… Russell….Loved one, Son, friend, and Brother. This is who Russell is to us and though he is gone he will always be with us. Today we come together to remember Russell for the person he is and how he has touched each of us in his own way. Today we make a promise to ourselves to never forget the great man. Today we lay to rest a Loved one, Son, friend, and Brother may your laughter and Smile shine over us as we keep moving forward through the rocky road that we call life but I will never forget you and our past Rest easy Little I will see you again one day
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 20:31:26 +0000

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