My Performance as a Leader I never thought that I - TopicsExpress


My Performance as a Leader I never thought that I am already functioning as a leader until I enrolled in the course “Principles in Educational Leadership” and our professor Dr. Marietta L. Cabonilas tasked us to reflect on our performance as a leader. So I forced myself to do the assignment and I will be sharing it to all just to let my fellow teachers in SCRMHS know how I value them more than I love them. I played being a leader during my stay in school in all levels but I never take it seriously. The heaviest task I had being a leader was when I was elected as the President of the batch organization when I was in second year college. I considered it as tough due to the different people I am governing, people who are higher than me – in intellect, economic status and in many other aspects. At first I was about to give up because I was so cynical, I thought that I am not capable for the position I had that time but when I prayed that night, I started to thank Him for the great opportunity He has given me and started to promise that I am going to do things right as expected of me and I finished my term with a very visible project in our college library – our batch has donated books through solicitations. I’ve been a leader of action that time. I know I’ve maintained a low profile, that even others are not recognizing me that they only know my name but not my presence. I’ve been someone who set a goal, such goal has been worked and reached by the organization no matter what. Another unforgettable deed I made playing the role of the leader was when I was in my fourth year Filipino class. We were grouped by our Filipino teacher (EPS – I in Filipino – Secondary of Masbate Division, Gloria R. Almodal) to perform one literary piece using our own strategy. That was Friday and Monday would be the day of presentation. We talked about what to do while we are on our way to the next subject. We planned what we are about to present and continued the day by separating ways when they hitched a ride home to Palanas, Milagros, etc. It is me when sleep is not present if things are not settled, to give peace to myself, I planned of a new strategy in presenting the poem. I forced myself to have all the words inside my mind just to prepare, thinking that my teacher will not be mad with us because we are not prepared. The crucifixion day has arrived and my group mates were cramming for the preparation. Witnessing the practice of other groups, I started to volunteer my idea so as to have a unique presentation and we started to practice. I know I am shy when I was fifteen but I know I have unique ideas and I proved it when we got the highest grade for that presentation plus the appreciation of our teacher mentioning my name that I had been the star of the day after memorizing the eighteen stanza poem with proper feelings while others acted. The teacher I had then never forgets me, she always talk to me everytime we saw each other in trainings and in the Promotional Staff’s office. That time brought me to the pedestal which added to my self-confidence and I started to compare myself to who I am three years ago than that I am during that moment. Because also of that, I started to gain courage to be a performer in all endeavours that I will be in. The leader inside me is oozing when the time calls for it but I always see to it that I am not bragging to people, only to Him. Realizing my dream, I really set in myself that I am going to give all I have to my new work not thinking where it would take me. I just thought I am lucky enough to have intelligent people as fellow workers in the academe. I am always thanking God for placing me in a station where I realized who am I, whom I didn’t know in the very beginning. They are the people who made me naked, they dragged me to the mirror to let me see the me whom I did not know until they came into my life. I owe to them who I am today, they are appreciating me for being an effective team mate, effective and dynamic leader and trainer but I always let them know that I grew up because I was planted in a very much fertile soil and that soil is my co-workers. I am a woman of strength but that strength is kept inside, I am showing humility always, I never brag to them. I am just there in the corner, working on my desk, advancing everything, if others ask for my assistance I do the smile and always find solution to their difficulty. I never failed them, I give all that I can, I think of them first before my comfort. They are teasing me that I am workaholic, that no one can ever compare to my energy for they cannot do the things I am doing. The welfare of my colleagues makes me happy. They are the people who serve as my inspiration additional to my children, they are my family because I am happy with them. The love and care we are showing to one another are incomparable, we always bring one another to the top, we never let anyone to be left behind. I know there is no perfect relationship, we are not an exemption. There are imperfections in the organization, we are also bombarded by issues, especially mistakes of other people when it comes to decision-making. There are decisions which end up worse and sometimes they are also hurt, we are humans and mistake is not an alien, in fact it is rampant but acceptance after realization is unbeatable in my place. A cup of coffee is making everyone laugh and after days, weeks, months and years when the wound turned to be a scar, giggling teachers are in the canteen laughing at their faults, looking like fools. I love the time that we forget we are teachers and that we play being ordinary people and being happy about simple things. I never thought I am leading a group, I am just an ordinary person easy to be approached by students, former students, parents, the farmers and fishers I met along the way to school, why? I am just a person thinking that I am a nobody because there is someone I am serving and that is HE. I am just an instrument of the Creator and I can never be the man I am today if not because of HIM.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 07:15:08 +0000

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