My Superhero post of the evening... Had couple great convos - TopicsExpress


My Superhero post of the evening... Had couple great convos with buddies on where Marvel and DC stand with each other. And frankly its not fair tbh. Marvel is killing it by galaxies. Literally. It took Marvel 6 years to successfully plan out the avengers. And each was done with great justice. Although out of the batch the Iron Man Series is what glued it. Though I wish terrence howard was still war machine, and Edward Norton to be Bruce Banner, the actors theyve casted are great. So it took that long to put a great franchise together, and DC is trying to do it within a few years after Man of Steel very risky from Zach Snyder in a lot of fans point of view. Already planning ahead a Justice League movie. Myself, among with many others, reacted quite bothered by the casting of Ben Affleck as Batman. Most likely of the fact that he was daredevil. And now weve seen an Image of him as the cape crusader, and now a lot of us are paying attention. It can also be one of the smartest moves DC has made. By going against fan opinions, he can shock the screen and be great. Hes already attracted a lot of attention by being the batman we didnt want haha. Not only that, hes a great director and can be at helm for a movie in that universe. My buddy Lloyd Bautista said it best last night, that we think Zach Snyder wouldnt be rushing a league movie unless he knew he can do it. Essentially theyre trying to catch up to Marvel in one swing. Which is very possible. You think about it, Superman and Batman alone have been holding the DC universe on their own. Green lanter in the other hand didnt do so fact Ryan Reynolds should hurry get a dead pool movie on. But anyways, what more when we finally see wonderman, flash, green arrow, and a justified green lantern. And my personal opinion of risk of a character, aqua-man. But if Dawn of Justice gets played right, story wise, character development wise. They come back at Marvels level. IF Zach does a horrible job, DC sadly gets set back at least 5 years. But if they are successful, by 2016 the spider man and xmen sagas would be over. So what comes next for those major franchises? Marvel would have to swing back and will HAVE to merge spiderman and wolverine into the avengers. Something we all want to see what probably will counter back to DCs possible success. Its amazing that the movies and superhero genre has taken over theater. Im just happy to witness it.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 04:48:04 +0000

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