My Thoughts for the Day: NEW YAWK 7/22 4 days till vacay!! - TopicsExpress


My Thoughts for the Day: NEW YAWK 7/22 4 days till vacay!! No, sir. Im not at all interested in you clearing up your throat from the bottom of your guts right in front of me and then choosing to spit it all out behind you which happens to be right in front of my feet. Next time, manners might work. Thanks! So how is your morning? Lol Ive been up since 4am and my cramps and hormones are in full swing! If you dont feel blessed that often, feel blessed that youre not living with me today. Sorry, John. On a happier note (because there is always one), I received a free Birthday drink from Starbucks coupon, so it looks like Ill have to forgo the green juice concoction (darn) this morning and get a latte. *Grin* Getting sat on this morning by a well insulated woman. Would be okay if it was cold out. Might have to peel her arm off of me when I get up. John thinks I creak around too much in the morning. I told him I guess we will have to move somewhere with quieter floors. Always a solution for everything. ;) Been thinking a lot about my life and why it is that despite all of my challenges in life, I still believe in my life and how infinitely beautiful it is. From what I recall (because years and memories seem to have always been difficult for me to hold on to), I got tired of feeling badly. I noticed that no matter how good of a person you are and even how great your thoughts are, shitty stuff still happens. TO ALL OF US. There will be moments of sadness, of loss, disappointment, anger, and frustration. I noticed, however, that all of those feelings and unhappiness were prolonged when I got sucked into them. When I allowed myself to go into pity party mode and then with that, I invited MORE crappy people and experiences into my life. One day, I woke up and I was tired of feeling sad and tired of feeling sorry for myself. So I stopped. Right then and there. I put my big girl panties on and I decided to EMBRACE life and all it had to offer, knowing that with life, came challenges and difficulties, but they were outweighed by the most beautiful of moments as well! So yes, life gets messy sometimes, but THAT is what makes it so unbelievably fascinating! When you finally move through it and the sun starts to peek out from the horizon and you lay your eyes again on the most magnificent landscape right in front of you waiting for you to roll up your sleeves and run and twirl and skip and roll down those majestic hills with a big, fat, beautiful smile!! LIFE!! Its a gift weve been given and one that shouldnt be squandered for one single, solitary moment. Talk much, Shari? I was having a wrestling match with a bag of trail mix yesterday. Not the healthiest of kinds, either. I tore at it, I ripped at it with my teeth, and I stomped (kidding) on it and still couldnt open it. I finally decided to follow the obvious sign and just put it away and not eat it. I was very proud of myself. Well, until I remembered I had scissors in the top drawer. #DietFail #BlameTheGreenJuice Ive never been one to ever give up on anything and I still never will, but I certainly wish that wasnt the case with Candy Crush. I think Im going to expand and broaden my knowledge today. I always read and listen to spiritual, inspirational, and motivational type things, but I think today at work, Im going to choose some random topic about something that I have no clue about and listen to it. We will see how long my attention span lasts before Im listening to my favorite song these days on repeat. Having my breakfast and trying to film my daily vlog and there are way too many people around. Contemplating still filming and looking like a self absorbed nut. So I walked away from the table area into the cemetery area and filmed in there. Yeah Shari, that makes you look less crazy filming surrounded by tombstones. Listening to the Bee Gees right now at work and I want to start dancing! That was a looooong 4 hours. I listened to a lot of amazing Ted talks (will post links later), which helped pass the time, but my eyes are exhausted. I just put my glasses on and they actually see clearly now. Ugh. I dont like relying on them. Some girl on the subway just made eyeglasses contact with me. She also has black frames so I wonder if its a secret club like those who ride motorcycles and nod at one another. If thats the case, maybe Ill like this more. Lol Looking at a mid waist mullet. Thats all I have to say. Wonder if they have a secret club too? COUNTDOWN TO 40: 40 Things Ive Learned So Far Along My Journey 23. Try to do and give your best every single day and on days when you dont, forgive yourself and try again the next day. 24. I always know what choice to make if I really quiet my mind enough and pay attention. Time for Chinese food or in John talk, meow meow for dinner.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 22:30:53 +0000

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