My confession is that I smoke weed often. Now, hold on, I - TopicsExpress


My confession is that I smoke weed often. Now, hold on, I understand this is not big news. But let me explain my routine. I wake up, smoke weed in bed. Take a shower, smoke weed after. I drink my morning coffee with a bowl. I pack my backpack with my work items and my personal stash of weed (of course). I drive to work, many times I will smoke in the car. I take a few rips in the parking lot of my job. I work for a major insurance company, in a call center. I service peoples policies over the phone for about ten hours a day. We can take breaks when ever we want, so during this time I retreat to my vehicle and smoke more weed. Once my shift is over, I drive off the parking lot with a fresh bowl of weed in hand and go home, where I continue to smoke marijuana. Every day I work, I use five hour energy twice a day, and in addition I drink large amounts of coffee. Marijuana brings blood pressure down, energy drinks facilitate high blood pressure, mixing the two makes me into a working machine. I am efficient, very. I am not lazy, if anything I am more productive than most. The trade off regarding my unorthodox habits (which I have practiced for years) is that I appear very strange to people. I wear hats at work, most the time, so people dont look me directly in the eyes. Over time I have become isolated and alone, because most the time, that was all I thought I wanted. Just me and my stash. I grew up in Rapid, but live in a place where weed is legal now. Weed is cheep and easy to come by in large amounts. My confession is real, I do not waste time exaggerating my already ridiculous life. I traded my social life for a stable job and all the weed I ever wanted. 26/M
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 22:20:00 +0000

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