My cousin shared some great photos of my grandfather and our - TopicsExpress


My cousin shared some great photos of my grandfather and our family, so I thought I would pass them along here. When I was a kid, I loved going to my grandparents house and playing baseball with my brother, Rob Jones. We would play catch all day long waiting until Grandpa got home. We couldnt wait to go across the street and have him hit fly balls all day. Seriously...the best of days. When I got older, I used to love sitting up late with him and talking about the Bible and about Jesus soon return. The way he talked about it, I thought Jesus would return that night! Another time...I remember on his last day at one of the churches he pastored, he made me preach the last message for him. I was so nervous. He made me feel like I was Billy Graham or something. I loved making him proud, whether it was by playing baseball or by preaching. The last couple of years were really hard to visit him because he wasnt himself. Alzheimers seemed to have stolen the joy right out of him at times. These pictures are so great because I missed seeing his smile. I am so blessed to have had such Godly grandparents on both sides of my family. Its been a couple of years since Grandma & Grandpa Jones went to heaven. Just a day since my grandpa Hilliard arrived, and its been just a few months since our baby, Jewel, arrived. BUT...if theres one thing I thing I REALLY look forward to now more than ever...its getting there. I cant wait to meet the Jesus I know and believe in, and who I preach about face to face. Whats more, I know that I will get to see my family who I KNOW is with Him right now. What a HOPE we have in following Jesus! Sure...I am sad. Sure, I write this post with tears in my eyes, but I have to tell you that now MORE THAN EVER...there is a HOPE in my heart. A hope that ONLY comes and a confidence that is only there when you know and serve Jesus! If youre reading this, and youre just not sure about your future, and about what happens when we die, message me. We could talk, and Id love to help you have the same hope for your future, too! Thanks to all who have read and to all who have been holding our family up in prayer. You are the best. welkerfuneralhome/obits/obituary.php?id=500989#.VC89NySYyyE.facebook
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 01:23:42 +0000

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