My email home, 3.4. Sent 1/27/14. Two weeks ago, I watched - TopicsExpress


My email home, 3.4. Sent 1/27/14. Two weeks ago, I watched Ephraims Rescue at the Mission Home. Later in the week, during dinner, the person who was hosting us told us that his ancestor was living under the law of polygamy, like some of the early saints did. His ancestor recorded Do you know what was the worst thing about having multiple wives? Remembering Ephraims bad joke from the movie, I guessed Having multiple mother-in-laws? He, and everyone else, burst out laughing because that WAS what the ancestor had wrote! I had diarrhea Monday night, and it made me feel funky the remainder of the week. During said week, we had a lesson on Nephis example to his brothers, as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings (guess when we had that lesson), Exchanges with Elder Groneman, lessons on repentance, the Holy Ghost, and about The Test (a video from a FHE DVD I found. you wont find the video on the LDS site, but its based on the talk The Aaronic Priesthood: What’s So Great about It; by Robert B. Harbertson, and the video can be found on youtube, under you knew what I was when you picked me up.mp4). This week: Last Monday: I found the book series Best-Loved Stories of the LDS People, and it had a couple stories I used in last weeks lessons. We also had a lesson on the Restoration, and gave a blessing for a Sister Missionary. Tuesday, we had one lesson, but I didnt get the persons name. Wednesday, we read 2 Nephi 31 with an investigator, who then accepted baptism! We also had dinner at the Bishops house. Elder Andersen was required to deliver a truck to the mountains, so we dropped him off at the mission home for the night. Thursday morning, early, we had Zone Sports, and played dodgeball. I was good at the dodge part, but offensive was hard. I did 3 home visits with the Spanish Elders and went to dinner with them. Every thursday night, we play Volleyball with the Ward. Dodgeball. Friday was mostly taken up in (waiting for) individual interviews with President Sweeney. During my interview, he had me try to teach the whole Restoration within 5 minutes. I was in the approximate 10% that could cover every point clearly within said 5 minutes. He also told me that the mission doesnt have enough Spanish Elders, and my previous experience with Spanish makes me a prime candidate. I guess even the rule that Trial Missionaries must (initially) serve English-Speaking couldnt overrule my Patriarchal Blessing, which indicated that my Spanish would be used a lot on my mission. I also made a comic based on that awful ringtone. Saturday, we had a couple lessons, and talked to a Born-Again Christian. He was surprised that we believed in the same things he did; Jesus Christ, the separation of the Godhead, and a couple other things. However, the thing that may have stood out most was when he pointed out the end of Revelations. I pointed out the same passage in Deuteronomy and explained that God can command and reveal His word as much as he wants, but Man cannot alter what God had previously said. Even though he didnt accept a Book of Mormon, he accepted a card and the Articles of Faith card. Sunday was church, and we visited a couple families afterwards and talked about what we learned at church. One of the families had a concern; an accident (with no serious injury) happened while the mother was reading the Book of Mormon, and she wanted to know why people get troubles while doing the right. We explained that righteousness doesnt mean therell be no trials, and that trials are meant to help us grow. I also shared the story of when Martin Harris got bit by a rattlesnake and asked Joseph Smith to heal him. Joseph mailed back that Gods protection from snakes (what Martin Harris bragged about) was for those who dont go seeking trouble. Should a snake bite the righteous acting righteously, then he could be healed. But if someone foolishly seeks trouble, God lets trouble find him.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 03:40:08 +0000

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