My eyes of hellish yellow glimmered in the moon lit sky I could - TopicsExpress


My eyes of hellish yellow glimmered in the moon lit sky I could feel my muscles flex and then release as if in a fine tuned symphony Launching me closer to my prey My silk black coat flowing with the wind as I ran A single hawk flew above watching life As I ran I looked at my brother wolves Streaking against the horizon Getting ever closer to my prey My loyalty to them was pure as theirs was to me Betrayal never a thought I now ran side by side with my prey Effortlessly I kept pace with the one I would soon slay The air was thick with the smell of fear These are the times I live for Dancing the dance Prolonging the anticipation as I match my preys stride We both know the outcome Destiny has already written itself and it has been cast in tablets of stone Panic was imprinted deep within my prey And then I knew it was time I lunged White teeth bared Eternity seemed to slow as I turned my head and flew Jaws granted to me snapped shut onto my preys neck My spirit wild I ripped my preys neck open Dark red blood rained as if a sudden violent storm Jaws clamped we both fell As we hit the ground turned red A master painting of my creations on earth’s canvas I stood and reveled in my superiority I turned my head up to the heavens and uttered an irreverent guttural howl to the gods My brother wolves looked at me in reverence and awe As I beckoned them to join me We feasted on the warm blood and flesh For I was king And always would be It is what it is RMH
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 14:25:14 +0000

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