My first Lucille Lortel Nomination! Thank you to all for the - TopicsExpress


My first Lucille Lortel Nomination! Thank you to all for the love! Yesterday I did a dramatic reading of Jeff Stetson’s fictionalization of a secret meeting between Malcom X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at Tafileh Technical University here in Jordan. Fellow Actor John Earl Jelks and I are here working with Jordanian Ahmad Al-takruri in the third role of Malcolm’s body-guard as part of The Speaker program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. Theater etiquette is different here and phones ringing and being answered or people getting up at anytime and strolling out has been somewhat common during our performances. However, after each performance the folks are eager to shake hands and pose for pictures with us African- Americans. This morning when my jetlag kicked in and woke me up at 3am Jordan time, again, I found myself wondering if this acting thing really resonates or if I was deluding myself. It’s a rhetorical question, but getting an email from my manager saying that I had been nominated for my work in Tanya Barfields The Call surely made me feel like the answer is “Yes”! So here’s to my fellow nominees and all of those who toil in and or appreciate the toil of those of us in this thing called Acting!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 21:34:11 +0000

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