My friend Tonys status: FRIENDS AND FAMILY: PLEASE READ THIS - TopicsExpress


My friend Tonys status: FRIENDS AND FAMILY: PLEASE READ THIS IMPORTANT MESSAGE! TO MOST OF YOU, IT ILL BE MY FINAL ATTEMPT TO COMMUNICATE THIS INFORMATION TO YOU AS I AM WAY TOO BUSY WITH ORGANIZING OTHER VERY IMPORTANT PROJECTS. _______________________________________________________________ Just a thought to my personal friends and family who have neglected my words in the past and/or wrote me off as crazy. The storm is coming. I am pushing education right now because freedom of speech is still free. If you notice, the government and media are demonizing guns to remove them from the people. 9-11 is a government cover up, sandy hook, the batman shooting, the Boston marathon, the naval yard... they will continue this until they get that 2nd amendment, and they will make you believe whatever they want with their FALSE NEWS media. As soon as they get the guns away from the people, they will come for your freedom of speech, any fighters out there will be silenced. There will be nobody left to fight for you or your rights. i ask that you get educated on whats going on in the world and connect with people in your area...TURN OFF your TV, the media is controlled by the same people that control your food supply, your energy, your financial system, and your government. this is a normal trend throughout history of a dictatorial take over and you need to break through your slavery to a currency that is losing its value every day...THATS RIGHT, inflation doesnt exist, your dollar has just lost nearly all of its value. This american dollar turned Fiat currency will collapse soon, that is inevitable. Instead of being mad at me for attacking, what you believe to be, the american dream is, educate yourself and prove me wrong...but do not ignore my words!! and do not write me off as crazy unless you look into things on your own!!! until then, YOU are Americas problem, you are what is going to be the fall of this country and the death and/or incarceration without due process of all of your friends and family, and i promise you, its coming soon. Study HISTORY, compare Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Obama) to Adolph Hitler, youll find the similarities shocking. He is following the same game plan, and Obama care is part of it, merging our healthcare with law enforcement. the only way to beat this tyranny is to become educated about what its been doing behind your back. I pray for all of our safety in the future and if enough people open their eyes to whats happening, we just might have a chance to stop this before it goes to an armed uprising with blood shed. its time to tell these politicians that ENOUGH is ENOUGH! Now i have taken the time to create a 50 state structure with a council of admins. in this council, all 50 of the states admins work to bring the best information forward and put it on this Friendbomb For Freedom page. this is a good place to start figuring out whats going on, but i definitely encourage education from multiple sources. pretty soon i am going to fall off the face of the earth to all of you, most of you will never see me again. and if you neglect education, i promise you i will be killed where i am going for asylum for speaking out like this. i do not fear death in the name of freedom, and i do not want to live in a world where i am not free. I was born free, and ill die free. this is a right given to me by the constitution and the founders of this great nation, as it was given to you as well. If you dont like my message, you should be ashamed to call yourself American. if this offends you, please remove me from your friends list because i will not silence myself any longer to comfort your ignorance, i will only get louder! DONT let this artificial fear that theyve built in you, with their media, control your decisions of how you react to right and wrong. we all subconsciously know whats happening is wrong, please educate yourself so you know, consciously, exactly what is wrong! This is not a request, its a demand. educate yourself before they outlaw the freedom of information. God bless you all and i hope to speak with you really soon! Much love to all of you. https://facebook/pages/Friendbomb-For-Freedom/526279094130208 NOVEMBER 5th, WE CHANGE THE WORLD! We are Anonymous We are Legion We do not forgive We do not forget EXPECT US! (6 photos)
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 16:40:10 +0000

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