My husband 64 That same day,Jacob and his friend celebrated with - TopicsExpress


My husband 64 That same day,Jacob and his friend celebrated with him,while they hanged out at the club. ‘This one that you have proposed,you’re gradually becoming a real man.’Jaiye said. ‘I’m still in awe of your proposing to Jane,i know you loved that girl too much to let her go.’Paul said sipping from a glass. ‘I’m glad,i proposed,Jane brings sunshine into my life,and i will do anything to keep her.’Jacob said smiling. ‘What if she had said no?’Paul said.’Because you’re just too confident in her.’ ‘If she had said no,today we will not here be drinking,and i would keep proposing all over again till she accepts me.’Jacob answered. ‘When there are hundred of ladies that would marry you at the snap of your fingers.’Jaiye said. ‘Well,love makes the difference,i’m head over heels in love with her,’ ‘That lady is one few men will pass by,without straining their necks,she’s got it all.’Jaiye said. ‘We all know you love her.’Paul laughed. ‘And no one tampers with her,’Jacobs eyes was filled with unspoken threat.’Not while i still breath,she’s mine till death do us apart.’ ‘You’re drunk in love man.’Paul said slapping Jay’s back.’You got that whie gold expensive ring too,i thinks too much.’ ‘Nothing,i repeat nothing is too much for my Oyindunmade.’ Jaiye signalled to a waitress to get them more drinks,the young girl soon returned,Jaiye settled the bill,and as the girl made to leave,he slapped her butt.The lady turned back,the expression on her face was not readable,through the smile,it looked like a soft reproach. ‘That was uncalled for man.’Paul said. ‘A leopard never changes its spot.’Jacob said. ‘Alright guys,i was just playing with her.’Jaiye poured himself another glass. ‘You should learn to respect your woman by refraining your itchy palm from other ladies.’Jacob said. ‘To think,you’ll be a married man,in the space of two weeks.Cynthia must not hear this.’Paul added. ‘Guys chill,ladies want money,and i’ve got them in abundance,they want class and material possession,i’ve got that too.’Jaiye said,pointing to his chest. ‘And if you want my money,i’ll give you but with your butts to my bed.’Jaiye explained. ‘When will you change?’ Paul asked. ‘Perhaps marriage will change you.’Jacob said checking his wristwatch. ‘I pity that young woman,who has decided to walk down the aisle with you.’Paul lamented. ‘Common man,i’m not that bad…’Jaiye laughed. ‘Who is travelling with you to America?’Paul asked. ‘Franklin is going with me,i’m buying the best suit i can find.’Jaiye laughed. ‘So guys,since my place is the nearest,lets go over,the match starts in an hours time.’Paul said gulping the last glass. ‘Good idea.’Jaiye smiled. ‘Women…good,football….good,drinking…good,be careful man.’Jacob said slapping Jaiye lightly at the back as they got up to leave.Each man to his ride. Jane and Jacob had met to settle their grieviances,the two love birds were back again.It is true that people you love,when they walk away would come back,if truly they are yours. Funmi would not stop talking about Jane in the house,that was one part he loved. One of those weekends,Jane came visiting.They had just had a home cooked lunch of semovita and egusi soup with assorted meat and snails.Courtsey of Aunty Janet. Jacob had finished his own helping,and even asked for more.Jane was a good cook to say the least. He sat across her from the sofa, ‘How are my two girlfriends.’Jacob asked. ‘They’re both fine,i called them yesterday.’ ‘I called them this morning too.’Jacob said’Jane……..I got you a new car.’ he said quietly. Jane looked up,at him, ‘I have a car already.’ ‘The car funmi gave to you,i want you to drive a car,i bought with my own money honey.’ ‘Thank you so much sweetheart.’Jane said. ‘Come and sit here.’Jay said,and Jane came to sit by him.He kissed her softly on her lips. ‘You’re too far away,i want you by myside always.’ ‘As your lordship pleases.’Jane smiled. ‘I got myself a job yesterday.’She said. ‘A job? I was coming to what about this job?’ ‘I was given an appointment letter yesterday at their headquarters.’ ‘Which position were you offered?’ ‘The Human Resources Manager.’Jane answered,unconsciously playing with Jacob’s finger. ‘How’s the pay?’ ‘Its good.’ ‘How much honey?’ ‘Its 80000 for a start.’Jane smiled. ‘Thats a meagre sum.’ ‘Jacob,thats for a start.’Jane protested. ‘Whats the name of the company?’ he asked. ‘Hmm,J&J Corporations…’ ‘J&J corporations Ltd,their headquarter is situated at Iju Lekki and they have branches all over Nigeria and beyond.’Jacob finished for her. ‘Oh,you know it already.’ ‘I know the owner.’ ‘Really? Thats interesting,i just hope you didn’t put in a word for me.’ ‘Why?’ ‘Because,i want a job i deserve,i want to convince myself that i’m capable enough.’ ‘Anyway,you can’t work there.’ Jacob said standing up. ‘Why?’ ‘You really want to know?’Jacob smiled. ‘Yes.’ ‘Thats Jaiyes company.’ Jane looked confused,what was he talking about,she hadn’t even known,the company belonged to Jaiye as she had not met him on her three visit. Moreover,whats the big deal in working for him,she thought. ‘For one,i didn’t know its his,and again what is wrong in working for him?’Jane asked innocently. ‘Well,you won’t understand,you just can’t work there.’ Jacob maintained his stand. Jane was perplexed, ‘Is it that you don’t trust me around him?’ ‘On the contrary,i don’t trust him around you,i’m not comfortable with him aroud you,you do not entice a dog with fresh meat and bone.’Jacob said. ‘And i’m the bone right?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Sweetheart,would you stop speaking in parables.’Jane pleaded with him,Jacob stood by her,lowering his frame to hers on the chair,he gently placed his hand on her hair,tracing it down to her neck as she flinched. ‘I want you safe by me always,i don’t want to gamble with you.’He paused in his words,to kiss her.This time in hot passion and anger,Jane could feel his hot lips and then something fierce,a burning rage from within.Suddenly he stopped kissing her. ‘Oh my my,i can’t believe you’re this jealous.’ ‘Yes,i am.’Jacob said.’I don’t entertain rabid dogs around my property.’ ‘Jane,i can get ruthless with any one because of you.’He grinned. ‘Calm down honey,i get your point,but i can’t stay idle,i’m young and strong?an idle mind they say is the devil’s construction company.’ ‘If you want to work,you will,but not under anybody,you will be your own boss,you will have people in your employ and not the other way around.’ ‘Oh Jacob,you’re so sweet.’Jane smiled. ‘So what do you suggest?’ ‘How about lying here with me all day,i just want to smile into your eyes every minute and kiss your soft lips.’Jacob said. ‘No,no,i’m talking about work?’ ‘Oh,that? Its up to you?’ ‘I’ll like to dabble into importing and exporting.’ ‘That’ll be too stressful,and i don’t want you jumping from plane to places.’ ‘I prefer a large complex for a supermart.’ ‘With all my certificate? A supermart?’ ‘You’ll have chain of stores,and it will be the largest.’ Jacob boasted. ‘I’m working for you alone,the money i make is for you to spend,and i’ll teach you how to spend it.’ ‘If thats what you want then.’ Jane agreed. ‘I’ld have to consult people to learn more.’ ‘Don’t worry,i have agents trained in that,they’ll get a well patronised business point,when all is done,i’ll notify you.’ ‘Just like that.’ jane asked. ‘Yes honey.’ he sat beside her,holding her hands in his. ‘This time,i want nothing to come between us,because we’re walking down the aisle together.’ Jane breathed in,sending back the tears that stung to the back of her throat. ‘And i will fight you with anyone,with the last breath in me.’She said in her mind. ‘I love you baby.’Jacob said,his mouth to her hair. ‘I love you honey.’ Jane smiled. Biola was full of gratitude to God,when Jane explained to her,all that Jacob discussed with her.She adviced her to be strong and yet be submissive to her soon to be husband. Jane thanked her profusely,as Biola informed her about her plans for her wedding.She and Funmi had decided everything this afternoon,when they had lucnh together. In two weeks time,her mother would take her vows. ‘Mother,will you still be living here.’ Jane asked. ‘Ofcourse not,i’ll be moving in with Kenneth,i want to take you to his place,its very big and beautiful,he’s so rich,and he’d been pretending as an average man all this while.’Biola burstled in excitement. ‘Wow,and what was the rationale for that?’ ‘He wanted to be sure i loved him for who he is and not his money.’ Jane embraced her mother, ‘I’m so happy for you.’ ‘We’ll be having our honeymoon in Vernice,italy.’ Biola said. ‘Thats so lovely,God bless him for us.’ Mother and daughter were locked in an embrace,this was getting better than imagined. ………….. Mrs A. Thomas,formerly Ajoke had been full of excitement,when Jane told her that Jacob proposed,she kept screaming over the phone and extracted a promise out of Jane to take her out one of this days for celebration. Jane filled her in,on every available information and invited her to Biola’s wedding party,to which she agreed. The two ladies shared their happiness with eachother,with Ajoke telling her to hurry up as marriage was a beautiful thing. WATCH OUT FOR PART 65 TOMORROW
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 21:53:59 +0000

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