My husband posted the following comment in the comments section - TopicsExpress


My husband posted the following comment in the comments section for this article last night. It is an article suggesting Russia has intentions on an Eastern region of Moldova after Ukraine. Within 30 minutes it was removed by the moderators. Can anyone tell me which rule was broken? Too many truths perhaps: Why must the EU go chomping up every country on its borders? I dont recall the people of Europe voting for this expansionism. We are told that every nation wants to join the EU. Well is that a) what people already in the EU want? and b) really good for these other countries? The populations of these adjoining nations, led by weak leaderships, are desperate for the economic development that would result from better trade relations with the EU OR Russia and their often corruptible governments are no doubt eager to have their own pockets lined as a result of sweet deals with the Russia OR the EU. But if their populations knew the IMF style deals that would lead to foreign corporations buying all their state assets at rock bottom prices along with eternal austerity for their people I am not sure they would be so keen on EU membership. Which is why the West spends so much on propaganda these days. That Eastern region of Moldova has been stolen back and forth between Eastern and Western blocks for centuries. The last time it changed hands was when the Russians got it as part of the post WW2 settlement. During WW2 Romania had got it from Russia as part of the invasion of Russia by the Axis powers. At the beginning of WW2, Russia held it as part of an agreement with Hitler on the division between Germany and Russian spheres of influence. It was back and forth from Russia since the Russian Ottoman wars, prior to which the Ottomans had it. The bottom line is that no one has a historical claim to it of any great worth....including Moldova or Romania. If the people of that region want to be annexed by Russia, then why shouldnt they be allowed to be? All of this is not to say that the scare mongering about Russias intentions by NATO and this article are anything but BS. To be sure, if the EU wasnt expanding its borders hungrily with every lie to the new populations in the book and NATO wanting to protect every square inch of new land it can grab control of, then probably Russia would have no reason to assume that the Great Game was still afoot or have a pressing need to do anything other than compete with the EU on economic grounds for trade with these regions. It is not in a strong position to be the aggressor. As for the West, with regard to Ukraine, Moldova and for that matter Belorussia, or prior to that Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland etc. as well as the interests of those already in the EU, why must the choice offered be between severe barriers to trade or capitulation to us...with heavy propaganda and undemocratic efforts to cajole their populations into our fold? This of course is exactly the way Russia behaves to keep them away from the EU. The one thing that is seemingly unimportant is the actual interests of the people of those weaker countries and regions, by both sides. Any who thinks EU membership is good for them these days is an idiot. With regard to the UK, anyone who thinks their Government serves them is an idiot. It wouldnt be any different for us if we quit the EU. We and they, the ordinary people, are unimportant...although a few bribes may be thrown our way whilst it suits. As for the people of the West, including the US, Europe and including the UK, I wish they/we would wake up. Our block behaves no differently to Russia. Our elites, IMHO, currently care less about our populations than Russias. This is what being more powerful for a few decades achieves. Our elites are messing around in the same old game that has seen millions upon millions like us die over the centuries. And lets be clear...the West initiated this round of the Great Game. Again because our elites thought they were in a position to get away with it. The guillotine was a great idea.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 01:41:21 +0000

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