My kids think Im nuts, a worry wart you name it these days. I was - TopicsExpress


My kids think Im nuts, a worry wart you name it these days. I was just sent this by a friend. Thought it warranted sharing. This could be major, folks! i dont listen to rush limbaugh, but he is doing a show on ebola and a dr has just called in and is spitting nails here are some clips of the dr--im not listening but someone is posting it for me a DOCTOR from New York called the show---and is NOW (1 pm EDT) WAITING TO GO ON AFTER THE BREAK--who wants to talk to Rush about what we are NOT being told. He was so upset about all this he was breathless and stuttering--and from what I gather from his early comments BEFORE the top-of-the-hour break, hes going to talk about how ebola PROBABLY IS CONTAGIOUS PRIOR TO THE ONSET OF DETECTABLE SYMPTOMS. MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT is BREAKING RANKS WITH CDC and speaking out to get the TRUTH out! Dr. is telling Rush that a person can have the disease and have no idea that he does, but the titer can still be high enough in his blood for it to be transmissible---it can be elevated PRIOR to 21 days and PRIOR to patient feeling sick---NO STUDIES HAVE BEEN DONE to measure the level of viremia (virus in the blood) in the EARLY stages of the disease. So a person CAN be shedding the virus PRIOR to THE HOST have any symptoms. Dr. is telling Rush REASON that CDC may be telling us that ebola can only be caught AFTER a person has symptoms due to it being possible, 99% of the time--but emphasized that NO STUDIES HAVE BEEN DONE to establish WHEN or at WHAT POINT the host patient becomes capable of shedding virus. Doctor is saying we MUST restrict travel into US from West African nations that have it. Dr. saying this is illogical and makes no common sense, and from a national security point of view we MUST do this to PROTECT OURSELVES. You cant put a political agenda ahead of a virus that may devastate the United States. You cant. It would devastate our economy, and it will pose a huge national security threat to the United States. (doctor) He is pointing out that the CDC PPE protocols for THEMSELVES was totally different from the protocols they reccd to the hospital in Dallas. Any thinking person will have to wonder if this is by design----you have to wonder if this is by desgin, nefarious actions, or inaction---but we could well have civil unrest next year due to the administrations handling of this. Rush brings up idea that has been posed to have one dedicated ebola hospital in each state---Dr. says this is a good idea. Rush mentions CDC/ Frieden saying ANY hospital can handle this---Dr. says, Absolutely untrue. You cant just put on a hazmat have to follow the SAME PROCEDURES that the CDC does---air-pressurized suit washed down with bleach afterwards---they are putting those healthcare workers in Dallas at risk because they are NOT following the same protocols they are following at the CDC. Doctor is pretty much blowing all the the CDC lies to little pieces. Rush asking about airborne-- Dr. said he knows of no good studies that have been done to prove or disprove it, but until we know better we SHOULD ASSUME THE WORST; otherwise we are going to have a very sick nation. Thomas, a physician from Washington Ebola has mutated to much higher viral loads much earlier.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 20:28:44 +0000

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