My longest post ever and an important one... I met this - TopicsExpress


My longest post ever and an important one... I met this person in 2013 on FB via another author. She asked to read and review REFLECTION and eventually she read Lethal Journey and Real Life Evil. As authors we rely on the kindness of those who are interested in reviewing our work in return for a free copy. Copies of each book were sent to her for review and I told her that Id add her to my reviewer/beta-reader list. At first she came across as being very nice and supportive (no red flags) but over time it was clear something was not right. As the months passed her messages became more frequent, clingy and downright delusional. 30/01/2014 00:47 - “...and I were at a dinner party at ****s place last Tuesday, rubbing elbows with big Authors, Balducci, Grisham , Angela McClintock, ****, and others. I was like pinch me!!! The have McMansions up here in the Mountains!!!” 30/01/2014 00:47 - “I was so shocked, I had to go to McAllisters in the mountains and sign my life away for a dress, jewelry, shoes a bag, ****had to get a tux and we rented a limo from a friend of a friend. Im not been to anything like that since ive moved out of New York! I mean it cost a fortune buying was glad to go! I wanted some autographs and *** got me signed copies of books that night!!!! I felt like Cinderella. Ive never been around famous people like that either.” As soon as I read the messages, I knew they werent true. Since I knew a couple of the authors she had mentioned, I contacted two of them and was not surprised to learn...this dinner party NEVER happened. And so the lies began and believe me there have been many. She liked ALL of my posts, followed me and joined group after group that I belonged to. She even had enough nerve to share a post in late March of baby pictures of MY daughter and son and posted it on her own FB page. [[Who shares a post of someone elses kids on their page?]] She would send me messages like “Can I trust ****?” [She was referring to authors I am good friends with.) I have no clue why she would even ask.] During two particular conversations in 2013, she wanted to vacation with me and my boyfriend and stated she was making a scrapbook of my author journey. [Who does that? Its not as if she has EVER met me.] It was evident this online imagined friendship was becoming obsessive. As she continued to message me all the time, I decided to ignore her but if I didnt answer, she would post directly on my FB page. I told her in March 2014, I was going offline for a few months to write in hopes that she would leave me alone. On April 7, 2014, I received a message from her involving another author, an author I had not spoken to in almost a year. She accused me of lying to her. Then she continued to follow and contact me. A few days later, I received a message posted on my blog. “I would really like to talk to you about your book.” Once again she was trying to get me to talk to her. I ignored the message and deleted it. In the meantime, I was talking to an author-friend and learned that this woman had latched on to her on March 2, 2014. [I guess when she couldnt get to me, why not stalk one of my friends.] Clearly pissed off at me for blocking her, this woman started sending messages to my author friend accusing me of having her banned from FB for 3 days. [Yet another lie. It never happened.] I just found out its a friend of yours, and I got told by FB twice tonight that I have harassed this person on your page to become a friend again and I have done no such thing!!! Honest to God!!! I am not coming tomorrow to your release party as I have been turned into Facebook for harassing this person and I havent !!!! That is the truth, I swear !!! I loved this person, trusted this person and was even making this person a scrapbook of their whole travel to become an Author and they said something that I never said to another Author and got me on so much trouble, it has banned me from being a beta reader for the rest of my life! I know you havent known me long, but you can pick anyone of my friends and ask them if Ive ever told a lie. And then I can tell you, or you can ask a bunch of my friends and then ask me, I dont care . I just got to have the trust I was supposed to have with this other friend except it cant be broken . In the meantime, this woman tried to contact me on LinkedIn on June 9, 2014, liked all my posts, and endorsed me dozen of times between May until present. On June 30, 2014, she started following me on Twitter. I blocked her. On August 5, 2014, I joined a FB book club group after I had booked an author take-over with one of the admins. The next day I was shocked to learn this woman had posted in the group. A day later, one of admins of the group contacted me and said that this woman claimed, “I was being mean to her”. [What? How can I be mean to a person I have not talked to since April? Another lie!] **Its important to note that my author friend had accused this woman of stalking me and harassing me (which is true) the night before and had blocked her. This woman also basically said the same things about my author friend. I told the admin what had been happening with the stalking etc., and asked her to send me a copy of what this person was saying. Heres what she said... “First of all she and I had been friends and I then I became her Beta -reader and she and I had a text confirming that she was going to pay me for her book called Real Life Evil. I was to look for errors in grammar, punctuation, and mixed sentences and all.” “She was to pay me ex amount of dollars and give me more experience as I worked for other Authors but didnt get paid.” [Lie! I do not pay anyone to review or beta-read my work. Never have. Never will. I have paid a professional proofreader in the past.] “Well, I went thru, highlighted all the errors and sent it back. We were celebrating her success and the check was in the mail.” [ you didnt because it never happened. Also, I have never celebrated anything with this woman nor have I have EVER sent a check to this women for anything.] “I wait 9 weeks since it was coming from Canada, I thought it would take longer. One thing lead to another and she laughed at me and said that she was terminating the friendship and to never trust a con artist” [Nope. Never happened. I did however terminate all communication with this woman because she is a compulsive liar and I truly believe she is crazy and possibly dangerous.] Then she went on to say, that my author friend and I “could of lost their credentials as Authors.” [What? That makes no sense but neither does the rest of what she said,] “Ive reported this last night and they said they called in at Amazon and fed against me. So that is how I knew I was going to have a miserable day! I have just given up because its two Authors against just Adan as they called me.” Also in this message she claimed that some of my FB friends knew her so well that they would be more than happy to confirm her lies. [Well after speaking with a couple of them, I wasnt surprised to learn that she has never even talked to them once.] Ive decided not to mention this persons name yet because I am seriously considering LEGAL ACTION. Im sure some of you have already guessed who this person is. For those who dont, she used a common M.O., first by playing on your sympathies because she claims shes disabled, then gives you personal details about her life which are mostly lies, trolls for free books, gets angry when you dont answer her right away, acts as though she’s known you for decades and is part of your family, follows you all over FB and everywhere, comments and Likes everything you post and if you decide to unfriend her or block her, she begins to spread lies about you to anyone who will listen. I will NOT allow this woman to defame my name or my reputation. I will not stand by and let this woman claim I ripped her off. I have kept dozens of her messages and screenshots since 2013. If you hear anything like the lies above, feel free to email me at [email protected]
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 23:13:06 +0000

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