My name is Debora Encarnacion and this is my Thrive - TopicsExpress


My name is Debora Encarnacion and this is my Thrive Experience. I am 42 years old. After many years living away — first in the military, then later working with the military in the Middle East and Afghanistan I finally made it back home. Once back I was missing the 12 to 13 hour-work days so I decided to pursue doing business from home, which kept me up most nights and early morning. While looking through some of the promotions for direct sales on Facebook I come across a message saying something about how Thrive was changing lives. It promised energy, mental clarity and restful sleep. And YES I needed ALL of that! All I had to do was sample the product. Why not? I thought. I reached out to Anna Moore who posted the information and asked her to send me a sample. I honestly, didn’t expect much since I’d tried everything and most products made me jittery with minimal results. The day the postman delivered the little yellow envelop filled with goodies was the day my life was changed forever. Day 1 - I took Thrive W – Premium Lifestyle Capsules early morning on an empty stomach. I waited 40 minutes and mix the Thrive Premium Lifestyle Mix with water. To my surprise it tasted great! I then placed the Thrive DFT on my wrist and went back to work. After a few I hours I realized I had worked non–stop for hours and felt refreshed and focused. Whoa!!! Now that is not the norm for me!!! Staying focus has always been a challenge. I immediately notified Anna. She laughed and agreed! She was having a similar experience and loads of energy. Well, to say the least, I loved the experience so much so that I was up till late that night with all this amazing energy!!! But I slept soundly that evening. Day 2 – Again, I took my capsules early morning. I later had my mix drink and placed the DFT on my shoulder. Yipey!!! Another amazing day! I had so much energy all day I had to get on my treadmill and workout! Was focused and alert all day! And got so much work done, and finally my work was caught up too! Sleep came in easy that evening. Day 3- I woke up extra early. Took my capsules. Worked out on my treadmill! Took my Thrive mix and put my DFT on! Another great day! Loads of energy, focus and work done! Since then. I sleep soundly at night, every night. I wake up rested with energy each day; and remain clear and focused all day long. Since I began using Thrive my businesses income has tripled thanks to the focus and mental clarity I’ve gain. I’ve never had this much energy in my LIFE and remain in a great mood all day! Mild mood changes are GONE! I just hit my VIP800 reset today and am working on VIP1600 and my iPad. I’m sure I’ll reach it this week! If you do not take a chance and are willing to try something new you will never know what you’ve been missing. This product was the answer to my prayers! I’m happy and Thriving. It just can’t get better than that! I’m so excited with this product that I’ve shared it with my friends and family. I can’t stop telling people how great this product is and how Thrive really does changes lives.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 23:15:19 +0000

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