My name is Jennifer Wersland and this is my Thrive experience. - TopicsExpress


My name is Jennifer Wersland and this is my Thrive experience. I cannot express enough on how much this product has changed my life. I have been working through some back discomfort due to a car accident. I ended up having surgery when my son was only 9 months old (shortly after my 30th birthday) ...what an eye opener that was for me. I felt pretty good then I got pregnant with my 3rd child and my back discomfort came back. I lost all of my baby weight plus an additional 20 pounds. I started walking a lot, strength training and stretching even more than I already did. I also had started Yoga I thought what else can I do??? Along with my back discomfort I was also having headaches and stomach problems. This really affected my relationship with my husband and kids. I would get home from work and just want to crawl into bed. All of this lead to mild mood changes. I did not even like myself some days. Then I thought about it a little more (after seeing all of these amazing stories from real people)…what do I have to lose??? I bought a sample. Day 1: I could tell I felt more energized that I had in a very long time!! Day 3: I realized oh my gosh I was able to get out of bed without no problem, I did not have a headache, and I was not wanting to just crawl back into bed when I got home. I actually was going outside and playing baseball with my son. I even took my daughter in the stroller for a 2 mile jog. I was amazed at all the energy I had, and how well I was sleeping with no discomfort. That night I was looking through all of the amazing stories for the 10th time and signed up as a Promoter right then and there. I did not tell my husband because he would have been mad at me for even thinking about Promoting. He is now a Thriver also. By week 3 I had already paid back what I put into Thrive plus earned a whole month of free product. My first 3 customers responded so well I decided to go completely outside of my box and really start promoting this. This whole experience has changed my quality of life in more ways than I can count!!! I feel like I have a purpose and hearing the stories from my own Thrivers brings tears to my eyes. I truly want to share this experience to help people just like me.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 15:33:15 +0000

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