My name is Lesli Mortellaro and this is my Thrive - TopicsExpress


My name is Lesli Mortellaro and this is my Thrive Experience! My experience with Thrive has been the most amazing journey Ive ever been on in my life! Im a mother of 3, a wife, and full time dental assistant. Before Thrive well I was a miserable person. I lived day to day and never had any goals, couldnt stand my life but did nothing to change it. I screamed at my children all the time, was horrible to my husband, worked because I had to. I wasnt enjoying anything. I had seen that a friend of mine was talking about this Thrive product. I was skeptical. I blew it off for a while. Then one day I couldnt handle myself and she had contacted me again so I made a decision that has forever changed my life. Fast forward to today. Everyday I start my day with my 3 simple steps. Then I am ready to conquer my day! I used to wake up with a negative outlook. The smallest things irritated me. Now I COOK breakfast which is huge for me and I am patient with my kids, get them all off to school or daycare and go to work with a positive attitude. I ENJOY my career not just deal with having a job. I have energy that lasts ALL DAY and there is absolutely no crash. I exercise now because I want to. I crave foods Ive never liked that are healthy. I SLEEP amazing and wake up completely rested. I have patience all day long. My husband and I get along better than ever. As of today Ive lost 12 lbs and that is also a huge accomplishment for me. I havent been this person for for a while and I am so glad she is back. I am the Lesli I used to be and so confident I will continue to be. I am the girl people used to be pulled to because of my outgoing, happy, funny, loud self and I am so happy to say....Welcome back babe Ive missed you! All together I am happier, healthier and literally THRIVING in all aspects of my life. This is the greatest gift I have ever given myself and I hope everyone I love and care about (which Id pretty much all of human kind) will one day be thriving with me. Please everyone ask your friends and get informed you will not be disappointed. In fact you will thank them from the bottom of your heart!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 20:45:00 +0000

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