My new hobby since seeing Allah is not sending a woman to me, who - TopicsExpress


My new hobby since seeing Allah is not sending a woman to me, who deserves my heart I am gonna rather learn and teach myself all That leka indian food my most belovered grands mothers Amina and Hawa cooked for me all those leka dishes I liss to eat. I am gonna learn to make them instead off living of junk food. I need to pick up weight. And there is no woman left in my life to cook me that home cooked meal when u enter home and smell all the lovely food that my grandmothers and all those mothers who cooked me the most tasty home cooked meal totally indian style. I can name all my mothers Amina and hawa whos mubaraak hands I was fead from and taken care of when Allah plan was to first take away my very own mother. Ya Allah for my mother Zarina who gave birth to me and left me in this world when I was 6years old and she was of a young and tender age of 29 when she died. Today I sit here appreciating all there efforts and all that they went through to feed me that leka food they made ME! that I truly loved from the bottom of my heart love so much! It was so so dam! LEKKA! Tasty! To die for! And today I sit here appreciating all there efforts to keep me happy feed me and take care of me. But now that they all gone and I am still one of the die hards thats a fighter stronger then ever in mind and spirit meaning my closeness with MY Creator Allah. The body is busy packing up. My legs just tend to drops so suddenly at any given time when I least expect them to pack up on me. My legs can no longer run and jump on the ground at times when the legs cant hold the body up. Lol it just fallls down. But the body fights to stay alive till it is my time to finally leave this world. But for now I am still fully capable of making me leka home cooked meals regain my bodies strength with patience and endurance to go on!!!!! For the SAKE!!!!!! Of Allah!!!!!!!Alone and nothing becomes impossible all through the will of Alllah BE! And it IS! All Power comes from Allah. I am a living example Only Allah would know why I survived 65 accidents and will still be counting. My journey might end up on the road where my mom left me. She died on the road. My live was always on the road guided and put out only by Allah. I have reached a point in my life where I have no choice in the matter but to leave everything in Allah hands. I surrender my life to Allah alone and not to this temporary world Allah has put me in. Dam I was suppose to be dead a long long time ago lol but its in my blood I am always late so or should I say slow, I have my own special time put out buy Allah even though in this rat race we live in there is no value in time left! I am always missing the bus to death and the year after. Allah has given me time to repent and make more dua for everyone and not myself I am just a servant of Allah given my orders through the QURAAN. I could go on but my time does not allow me to stay. Everything has got to be balanced accordingly honestly and to the best of our ability. Forgive me :) for taking up ur time for reading my words. It might just be all that I can leave behind my words. Nothing more nothing less its all I have to leave behind. My words to everyone reading. :)
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 01:51:57 +0000

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