My open letter to the democrats on capitol hill: Dear - TopicsExpress


My open letter to the democrats on capitol hill: Dear [Official], The current government shutdown is unfortunate at best, and indicative of a severe leadership failure and gross negligence at worst. The house republicans have made multiple ongoing efforts to negotiate with democrats and have submitted bill after bill to the senate. The senate democrats, however, have stood fast, refusing to negotiate in even the most commonsense manner over the most trivial of details of the ACA. During the shutdown, democrats have made it clear that not only are the unwilling to even discuss the issue at hand (declining a house request for a conference), but that their focus is much more on bashing republicans in the press and taking the weekend off than actually fixing anything. The public, myself included, is sick and tired of your absolute incompetence as a leader, your gross negligence as a government employee, and your games that are geared much more toward helping yourself than toward serving your country. As a veteran, I am ashamed to know that people like you work in and suck resources out of the same country I and so many of my friends serve(d). You are a disgrace to the American way of life and I’m sorely disappointed in your unbelievable childish behavior. The public expects the government to function on a budget, as the American people in this economy function on a budget. The public expects politicians to be bound to all the same laws that the rest of us are bound to. The public expects you to hear our voice and act in a manner consistent with our wishes. That’s the entire point of having elected officials, in case you missed that point in your PoliSci classes in college. I’m can only wish for a “commonsense” (you like that word, huh?) shift in thinking amongst the American people to vote you incompetent “leaders” out of office and replace you with competent, intelligent, useful leaders on whom the American people can rely. I expect a response from your office immediately with regard to these issues. May God bless the United States of America, as we’re so desperately in need of His blessing. Best Regards, James Dylan Robinson
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 23:32:56 +0000

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