My response to the AARP Electronic Newsletter on the Myth we call - TopicsExpress


My response to the AARP Electronic Newsletter on the Myth we call the USA: Peter Tarsio 11:28 AM (3 hours ago) to AARP Need I to be reminded of the myths and the egregious lies that were spread when I was growing up here in the USA. As a former Vietnam Veteran who did his duty or was conscripted into the US Army and being the oldest son of three boys with a dead father, I served against my own deep seated moral convictions. I learned that what we are about is a whole different story than what we learned in school and from the history that we were taught I am sorry to say that we were just another generation born to lose our lives at a very young age and all for what? My grandfather came here from Calabria and fathered 7 children and supported them from a simple trade that he became successful in, that being a tailor could get him so far where he even had 94 acres of land in Beacon, NY It was all lost to taxes in the next generation. No one inherited a dime. As far as myths are concerned, we are a nation of immigrants and there is no one left from the indigenous population practically as they were all systematically exterminated. The history of America is one short and sorry tale. Guns prevail and the so called rule of law is a joke because the ones who impost the so called laws are the wealthy and powerful who basically call the shots and send more men and women off to war on their behalf. I now have a son who no longer chooses to live here. Now there are long extended reasons for this I suppose and I wish not to talk about any further. I dont think that anyone will read what I wrote today on July 4th 2014 with the exception of the NSA and the surveillance state that we live in controlled by the elite who again mislead us into more calamities and its in the name of progress as our country now plays the role of garrisoning the world and playing police of world where we have hundreds of military bases and installations throughout the world that taxpayers are funding. What fools we have are.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 18:32:55 +0000

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