My short story for school Like if you read the whole thing, here - TopicsExpress


My short story for school Like if you read the whole thing, here is the link to the video if you would like more information youtube/watch?v=llSaMP0M4VQ The definition of a Fighter Taylor is holding Paula’s head up, sobbing as Paula’s legs thrash and try to stand up. “Taylor I think you should leave Paula alone for tonight, we don’t want you hurt to.” exclaimed the vet. That night Taylor kept thinking If only I went out to the pasture earlier, then Paula would be fine. If only I put the jumps up first then I could of split up Paula and Sonny, then she fell asleep. Chapter 1 - Finding Paula “Mom Mom C’mon I can’t wait any longer!” “Alright, Alright Im coming go out to the car.” said Taylors Mom. As they started to pull out of the driveway Taylor started jumping up and down in her seat. “I cant believe I’m finally getting my own horse!” She kept repeating. Shortly after they arrived at Green Field Equestrian Stables. “Oh my gosh I see her over there in the arena!” As Taylor leaps out of the car to go see the black mare in the outdoor arena. “Hi Paula I’m your new owner Taylor, We are going to be best friends and spend loads of time together!”. Paula came up and shoved her head against Taylor “Now Taylor this is for sure the horse you want?” said her mom in a questioning voice. “Yes, Shes perfect.” Chapter 2- August (a year later) “Paula!” yelled Taylor as she closes her car door. As Paula cantered up the gate. “Hey how you doing girl?” Taylor clipped Paula’s halter on and lead her into the barn. “Hey Taylor!” Shouted her friend Angie over the sound of barn fans. “Oh hey!” “Are you Jumping that 3 foot course today?” “Well I dont know I will see how Paula works in her new Snaffle.” Exclaimed Taylor as she finishes saddling up Paula. “Alright see you in the indoor! Sonny and I have been practicing all week so we will go over that course in a breeze.” States Anglie as she smerks and walks away. “C’mon Paula we have to practice for the weekends show anyways. Maybe we can enter in the 3 foot course division?” “Heres the course!” says angie as Taylor leads Paula into the indoor arena “Oh Geeze”, Taylor looked over the humongous arena with the large jumps set up. “Maybe we will just do flat work today Paula.” Stated Taylor as she mounted. “Seriously youre going to give up before you even try” “Okay maybe one jump or two.” Okay Paula lets show Angie were not babies, Alright first jump doesnt look too bad, one, two, three, four, five, two point lean back heel down good. Awesome cleared! Look at Angies Face! Next number two, a cross rail not too bad. One, two, three, four, five two point heels down lean back good girl Paula! See we can do this in a breeze. “Huh?” “I said Good Job! You and Paula looked like Professionals like Eric Lamaze!” “Oh whatever” said Taylor out of breath. Chapter 3 - September (The show) “Alright now Paula dont get all excited now we can do this easily. Its only a show after all” “CLASS NUMBER 26” Shouted the announcer over the trailers. “Alright thats us, lets give it our all.” * * * * * * * * * * * * “We did amazing Paula! Two 1st and Four 2nd’s I’m so proud!” “GOOD JOB TAYLOR!” Shouts other competitors as she leaves the ring. Angie comes up in her waddle type awkward run, Out of breath she manages to spit out, “Good. Job. Taylor uh you did. amazing!” “Thanks it was mainly Paula.” Taylor gives Paula part of her banna she picked up off the fender of the truck. “WE did amazing” Chapter 3- November (one month later) “November 19th ordinary Saturday at the barn,I went up to work , after I was done work I took Paula inside from being outside in the field. I brushed her off and tacked her up. Went for a ride, For some strange reason I keep thinking while I was riding that imagine if this will be my last ride forever anyways later I got off Paula after a great ride.” After an amazing ride Taylor untacked and brushed Paula down along with putting her cooler on and turning her out “Great job girl! You did so amazing today working those spreads” Taylor said to Paula as she was shutting the paddock gate and walking away. As Taylor finished putting her tack away she heard horses screaming “Probably just the geldings again” she told herself. She went back in the indoor and helped Angie take down the jumps. Later on thinking of it Taylor decided to go and check to make sure that Paula was okay. So Taylor proceeded to run into the barn and run out to check on Paula. Realizing a few seconds later that Paula was under a fence screaming. “ANGIE GO GET THE BARN OWNERS!” Yelled Taylor as she ran up to Paula holding her head up. Taylor sitting there in tears waiting for the barn owners to come out with the tools to break down the fence. “Its okay paula, Its okay, You will be fine.” stated taylor sobbing. The barn owners came running out immediately, panicked, one had a phone in her hand calling the emergency vet and a professional trainer. Her husband proceeded to break down and take off the boards as quick as he possibly could. As soon as the boards were down Paula was free to get up. But there was something wrong, he front legs continued to thrash but she wasnt able to stand. Angie and I pulled her away from the fence waiting for the emergency vet to come, so she would atleast be more comfortable. The second the vet arrived she had examined Paulas spine and legs, also giving her two shots one pain relief one to calm her and give her strength to stand up. But her back legs still continued to not move. She would attempt to stand up but she couldnt hold herself and she would collapse once again. That was when the vet realized something must of happened to her spine, so she gave her two large doses of pain reliever for her spine but hoping it wasnt too serious. We all tried to get her up in as many ways as we could think of from bringing her “best friend” to grain she still was not able to stand. Resorting to our last idea we took a slate of wood and hooked it up to the barns fourwheeler (ATV), pulled her onto it and brought her from the pasture to her stall hoping there would be another result of making her stand. The vet was looking at my dad and it didnt look like a promising look. She had stated that if we didnt get her up in 3 days her internal organs would collapse on her lungs. Leading to putting her down. She tried many times to stand up at 12:30am she had stood up for a minute but fell back down again leaving her legs shaky and her exhausted. Finally at 1:30am she stood up for a long period of time, although she was very unstable she was able to stand. Taylor was told to get out of the stall incase if Paula were to fall on her. But she didnt care, every day she would go in by Paula and give her treats. Chapter 4- Road to Recovery Paula has now been in stall rest for 2 months, Which breaks taylors heart to see her in the same stall every day for 62 days total. But today was a exciting day for Taylor and Angie, With her fathers help they were able to take Paula out of her stall and walk her around for the first time in 2 months since the accident. I am so lucky to have a horse that is such a fighter though Taylor. The only things left from her injury are a few scars on her legs, nose and muzzle. “Paula has made such an amazing comeback since her injury” said Taylor talking to Angie. “Alright are you ready for your first walk Paula?” After about a hour Taylor and her Father got a few yards of Paula walking without her falling over or stumbling which is a big improvement since all she did in her stall was shuffle. Paula has made a remarkable recovery and now Taylor and Paula are known all through out the horse society, Her and Paula’s story is amazing and on November 19th 2013 will be the 2nd anniversary of Paulas Tragic Accident. Currently Paula is up and going Jumping 4ft and competing in various events still stumbling from time to time. But we will all remember the day that Taylor Spurgeon posted the dreadful video that broke our hearts and made us gain hope. Published on Nov 19, 2012 “We made it Paula. Not only in those months did I realize you never gave up hope. but you also kept me safe. This journey was a non stop emotional train wreck that will always keep re flashing in my head. But those moments defined you, You proved not only myself but the world that a setback of spinal cord injury of that extent is possible to overcome. I remember looking back on that day thinking if you were to make it. In a year where would we be? Never did I imagine this comeback. Seeing you a live to this day, brings me to life. You are the definition of a fighter Paula. “
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:25:19 +0000

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