My story: My parents fought everyday starting from when I was 4, - TopicsExpress


My story: My parents fought everyday starting from when I was 4, sometimes the fighting even got physical. They divorced when I turned 7. Fought for custody over me for the next 2 years, until my mother decided to give it to my dad. My dad got remarried the same year. I was 9. My stepmom had a few kids of her own from her last marriage (2 boys & 1 girls). Once I turned 10, we all moved to a different house (me, dad, stepmom, and her kids) My dad picked up a a new job and worked late hours, thats when the beatings came. My stepmom (sometimes the older brother would beat me with a metal rod) beat me everyday for no reason, whenever she felt like it. I went to school with bruises an blood, I lied about what happened. 12 years old, I transferred to middle school, the beatings still continued. It gets to the point where a social worker gets called in to check the house, I tell her everything. The rest of the household went against my word & told her a different story, she believed them. I was beaten senseless that day. I no longer trusted anyone, social workers came & went nothing happened, psychologists branded me with depression, & extreme anger issues. I was sent to a mental hospital for a few days, after testing, they figured I was not crazy (surprising huh?). Then I got sent to a group home, stayed there for a few weeks, fought a couple hardheads in there. Im 14, back in the house again, freshman in high school. Nothing too crazy happened that year, except for this one day when I was getting beat, I ran to my neighbors, asked them for help & called the cops. I was brought back to the house again. Sophmore year came around, I spent half of that year planning an escape. Everyone went to the temple on Sundays, except for me. Picked a good sunday, packed my things & left. I lived on the streets for a good 2 weeks, stealing food to survive & staying at a friends sometimes. Cops eventually found me, I ended up in a children shelter for a few weeks and then moved to a foster home. My first foster home was an Asian household, Im guessing they thought Id fit in (Im Asian btw) stereotypical, but I was born in the hood. I turned my anger to the other children there, I pretty much beat them up. my social worker moved me to a black foster home, thats when my life turned around. They squared me up and put me back in school, I owe them everything, they taught me so much. Once I hit my junior year (16 years now), I went to go live with my mom & my new stepdad, and my little half sis. I was a mean wreck when I came in, alot of emotional & trust issues, but slowly recovering. I barely graduated high school (age 18), but it was a good year, I made alot of close friends. I spent that summer like a king, finally meeting girls, going to parties, learning how to drive, getting my first car, etc. im gona cut things short now. (Today, Im 21) Ive been a infantry marine for over 2 1/2 years, I saw this video posted on facebook and it really brought some memories back. There are alot of us out there with this sort of troubled history, by sharing my story I want to give the message that there is still hope out there.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 22:24:12 +0000

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