My story about court is rapidly growing into another chapter in - TopicsExpress


My story about court is rapidly growing into another chapter in the book. The closer I look at the sheer bloody-minded stupidity and perjury committed by Owens and his crew today, the more I think theres something fundamentally broken with the lot of them. Its not that they simply lied. Im legitimately wondering if they were capable of perceiving reality as most people do -- or wish to do. Heres what Im wrestling with: Tom Owens, Joe Newton and Wayne Witter walked into court yesterday prepared to testify that I had physically and verbally threatened Owens. In their hands, they carried a digital video recording that showed almost exactly the opposite -- me, asking questions, while Newton hurled insults at me about a foot from my face. The video made a complete mockery of their case. The word pitiful might be appropriate, were they not such raging mattress stains and the kind of stupid that requires watering twice daily. To the typical observer, three minutes of me explaining why its important to ask questions of a political candidate while Newton calls me a violent Muslim and a fool would be quite enough to convince them who is on the right side of the problem. They got summarily spanked yesterday with this approach. We have the video. Ill post it soon. Faced with that failure yesterday ... they took exactly the same approach again today. Same video, only more of it, which made it worse. Variations on the testimony, which caused their statements to deviate even more from their own damned video evidence. Accusations that were directly contravened five flipping minutes later on video. I didnt even have to testify. So ... what were they thinking would happen? That a new judge would magically decide to ignore the video evidence that they themselves brought and believe them when they said I was physically threatening? That they had video of my encounters with Owens and the phrase I will destroy you just by happenstance is absent? Theres a deeply troubling psychology at play here, a kind of confirmation bias reinforced by groupthink. These three are an extreme form of it. The fact that they reinforce each other makes it harder to penetrate -- even for themselves. But theyre not the only ones, and thats a bigger problem.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 02:48:54 +0000

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