My take is, if Obama and Putin are not working together, they - TopicsExpress


My take is, if Obama and Putin are not working together, they should be. Recent people oppressing legislation in both countries mimic one another. To me, Russia and America, are the Democratic and Republicans of the world, seeking to good cop, bad cop us, on a greater stage. All wars are bankers wars, as long as America and Russia are tied substantially in banking they are One. In this video Corbett makes it easy to see, that if these guys are walking the dog, or not, they are One in oppressing We The People. Right now we store food and observe. Soon we can organize to collectively escrow our utility bill payment, make demands on the industry, as to where we are going with our energy grid, into the near future. We do have the power in collective action. Corbett Report: Weve seen the rollout of the MSM propaganda using over-the-top hyperbole and flat-out lies to try to demonize Russia in the lead up to the new cold war. But is this just part of the dialectic, trying to get us to buy into one side or the other in a rigged game? Should we devolve into mere spectators choosing sides in a squabble between #TeamObama and #TeamPutin? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we explore whether the enemy of our enemy is indeed our friend. The Enemy of My Enemy: via @YouTube
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 16:54:30 +0000

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