My way of weight training is plain and old-school. I mostly stick - TopicsExpress


My way of weight training is plain and old-school. I mostly stick to the classics, I work on improving the classics, when I get stuck or hit a plateau I work more on the classics. I do the same thing more or less day in and day out if you look at it over the long run. Shame on me maybe but I was never interested in reinventing the wheel or trying to invent new versions of exercises. I dont need it to keep it interesting. Now, it happens that I have quite a few moves up my sleeve that may not be that common, but whatever those may be they never built my body, all the squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, dumbbell rows and shoulder presses did. My back did not get thick and wide from doing pullovers and cable rows, my shoulders did not come from lateral raises and none of the funny hip exercises I supplement my routine with sculpted my butt LOL. In the time you are looking for that special exercise or routine to make you reach a new fantastic level of physical perfection, you may forget that muscle density and volume comes from repetition. Consistency. You go in, work your ass off, repeat and repeat until the cows come home. Those who can see the beauty in going to the gym for therapy for the body and soul will have patience enough to reap the harvest of it. Training reflects your life in general: how many things dont you go do every day more or less? You eat more or less the same every day right? And you do sleep too every day. And go to the bathroom. How do you keep those things interesting? LOL nah, you dont have to work on that do you. Just add training to be one of those things. Weight training is more an inner journey, you learn about yourself. But it is not six flags. The gym for me is not ooh wonder whats gonna be exciting today!!!, but it does not mean I do not enjoy it. quite the opposite. fighterdiet/store
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 01:00:19 +0000

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