Myths about Pilates abound, heres 7 debunked: 1. Pilates is - TopicsExpress


Myths about Pilates abound, heres 7 debunked: 1. Pilates is ONLY FOR WOMEN. NO. Pilates is for men and women, as the practice focuses on using the mind to control muscles, on core muscles and building balance throughout the body to provide support for the spine and joints. 2. Pilates is SLOW. The speed or pace at which Pilates is practiced can vary based on the intensity of the work. Specificity is lost when certain movements are completed fast—leaving all the work to larger, primary muscle groups. Moving at a slower pace often intensifies the work by pinpointing smaller muscles and perfecting form. Once you perfect your form then you can increase the speed, if needed, to further challenge your body. 3. Pilates is for OLD PEOPLE. FALSE. Often someone finds their way to Pilates after an injury, or when the fitness routine that worked in the past no longer fits their abilities. Pilates is a great complement to any fitness regime especially from elite athletes right through to the elderly. It helps with functional movements and moves the body in all planes of motion, allowing you to stay mobile and fit. The younger you are when you start the better off you will be—and you may even be able to continue your favorite activities longer. 4. You have to be FLEXIBLE to start Pilates. NO. Having a limited range of motion in any joint can be uncomfortable, and can lead to injury by forcing our other joints to work harder to compensate. With the help of Pilates, your flexibility can only improve. 5. Pilates is EASY. If its easy you probably arent doing it right. Pilates works to improve the strength of your smaller, stabilizing muscles and when you aren’t in the correct positions those muscles may not be working to their maximum potential—the big muscles you work more often begin to take over. To get the most out of Pilates, it’s important to work with good form, and to work with control and specificity of the movements. Take a one-on-one session or a small group class to get the corrections you need. It won’t be so easy any more and your hard work will pay off! 6. Pilates is EXPENSIVE. Not at Lucas Studios is isnt!. 7. Pilates and YOGA are the SAME. Yoga has its roots in meditation, relaxation, and reflection, and most forms of yoga encourage your body to relax and flow freely through postures. Pilates, on the other hand emphasizes structure and attention to detail, ensuring small muscles are engaged.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 05:44:38 +0000

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