NAAM-JAP Ratnakar was a Dacoit who mercilessly looted and - TopicsExpress


NAAM-JAP Ratnakar was a Dacoit who mercilessly looted and killed people. One day sage Narad Muni came to see him and asked him a question– Why do you loot and kill people? Ratnakar said– I do it for my family. Narad Muni then told him to go and ask each of his family members if they would share the punishment of all his evil deeds in Hell. Ratnakar came disappointed; nobody wanted to share the punishment for his deeds in Hell. He was shocked; it opened his eyes and filled his heart with dispassion for world. He asked Narad Muni to be his mentor and guide him on the path of salvation. Narad Muni then asked him to recite God’s Name “Ram” continuously every day. Despite repeated attempts Ratnakar failed to say “Ram”; “Mara, Mara, Mara” was all that he could say. Narad Muni assured him that by the infinite grace of Lord Ram, he would reach enlightenment even by reciting “Mara”. Ratnakar started saying “Mara…Mara…Mara…” Slowly and gradually, the power of God’s Name and blessings of his Guru transformed him completely. All his sins were washed away and his heart was completely purified. Later he came to be known as sage Valmiki, who wrote most revered epics “Ramayan” and “Yog Vaashisht”. This story beautifully brings out the infinite glory of God’s Name and the power hidden in the Naam-Jap. What is NAAM-JAP? Continuous repetition of God’s name is called ‘Naam-Jap’. The chanting is done with a beaded string (mala) in hand. This practice is followed in many religions. The beaded string is known as ‘rosary’ in Christians, ‘japa mala’ in Hindus, ‘sumarni’ in Sikhs and ‘misbaha’ in Muslims. How to do NAAM-JAP? 1. Under the guidance of the Divine Master (Sadguru), any one of God’s name can be taken such as Ram, Krishna, Radhe, Govind, Shiv, etc. One can even recite any mantra such as 16 words Mahamantra – “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare” 2. Naam-jap is done initially using a beaded string known as ‘Japa mala’. A mala made of tulsi or rudraksh is better. 3. We have three powers – power of Action (kriya shakti), power of Mind (mansik shakti) and power of Heart (prem shakti). All three should be engaged while doing japa – hands continuously moving the beads of mala (Kriya Shakti), mind focused in chanting God’s Name (Mansik Shakti) and Heart absorbed in God’s love (Prem Shakti). When all three are associated with God, it creates wonders in our life. 4. It should be done at least three times a day i.e. morning, evening and night. As food is taken regularly similarly God’s name is to be chanted regularly. 5. Begin the practice of Naam-Jap with a humble prayer (from the depth of your heart) – ‘Oh Lord! Please quieten my mind and fill my heart with devotion so that I can utter your beautiful name with love. I do not want any materialistic thing; all I need is you and you alone. For you are the supreme – the source of eternal bliss’. 6. Naam jap can be done anywhere and at any time. It can even be done without using a jap mala especially while waiting in traffic jams, standing in queues. What is the role of Sadguru in NAAM-JAP? If you throw a bullet using your hands, it will not reach far off. But, fire it off from a gun and it will go a great distance, even piercing the strongest armor. Similarly, if we take name of God ourselves, it lacks power. But if we take the name from Sadguru, His power (sankalp-shakti or power of intent) is added to it and we are able to realize the fruits of Naam-Jap much quicker. Also the able guidance of Sadguru keeps us away from any doubt or obstacle and keeps our spirits high throughout the practice. Why do NAAM-JAP? In today’s world of stress and mental turmoil, what is most needed is the peace of mind. Sadguru says that the peace of mind can only be achieved when we realize are eternal oneness with God. Naam-Jap is the easiest and quickest way to do this. Hindu scriptures say – “Kalyug keval Naam aadhara”. This means that in this Kalyug taking refuge in the God’s name is the only way to realize our oneness with God. How does NAAM-JAP help? Mind is usually busy thinking this or that all the time. This continuously drains our energy and brings in stress. Chanting God’s Name takes away our attention from these draining thoughts. At the same time, it reminds us of our beautiful and loving relation with God. This fills our heart with God’s Love which soothes all our aching nerves and muscles. As we get more and more absorbed in God’s Love, the functioning of our mind slows down and it gradually enters into a stage of silence. Silence of mind is the most valuable state to be attained, where in we get attuned with the Universal Consciousness (God). Some Advantages of Naam-Jap: 1. Naam-jap is a powerful tool which focuses the mind, removes all distractions and eradicates all worldly negative thoughts. 2. It eliminates the desires, anger, attachments, doubts, fear and other negative thought patterns of the mind. 3. Repeated chanting of God’s name brings in purity of heart. 4. It silences the mind. After the silence of mind the disciple experiences oneness (connection) with the Supreme. 5. Doing Naam-Jap regularly develops within us power of determination, strong will & discipline. 6. If done with full love and devotion, it keeps one physically and mentally healthy. 7. As soon as worldly/negative thoughts start mushrooming in the mind, start chanting God’s name desperately and it will quickly wash away those thoughts. 8. It develops love for God and dispassion in life, which are essential for disciple’s spiritual evolvement. 9. Regular chanting helps us to understand clearly the spiritual knowledge. 10. We start imbibing the qualities of the Lord whose name is being repeated. Conclusion: Naam-jap is the easiest tool for God realization, bliss and happiness. Through Naam-Jap we come to know that happiness is not outside, it is within us.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 06:29:33 +0000

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