NAIJAS YOUTHS SPEAK UP! We got this motivational letter from a - TopicsExpress


NAIJAS YOUTHS SPEAK UP! We got this motivational letter from a 16-year-old Akinola Akinyemi Olalekan who wrote from Oyo, Oyo state. Youths like Akinola will certainly ensure a bright future for Nigeria! Im particular about young people because it hits me hard when I see them living their lives totally direction-less, purpose-less and with no care in the world about their future. And as the saying goes, The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow. If we dont do something about it, the naughty kids of today would become the terrible leaders of tomorrow. And having been challenged by the likes of Malala Yousafzai, Treasure Obassey, Myles Munroe (his teenager years up till now) and others, I saw that the younger generation has a lot more to offer than it is already doing. ...Dreams Have you ever asked yourself why there are few great people and millions of miserable and unimportant people in the world? Have you ever wondered why so many people have read every literature from Ben Carson, every piece from Robert Schuller,every copy of Miles Munroe’s, listened to every message from Joel Osteen, been blessed by Bishop David Oyedepo, been under the ministrations of Pastor Adeboye, have met with Kenneth Copeland, and upon all these, are still living far below their goals, dreams and aspirations? This is it. The first thing that kills greatness in a man is his mentality. For as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is. A great man once said Watch your thoughts, it becomes your words. Watch your words,it becomes your actions. Watch your actions, it becomes your habit. Watch your habit, it becomes your character. It all started from your thoughts. After all the great pieces and materials, if a man sees his best as being a snail, he will never amount to be a lion. Very many people’s mentality have limited them to the point they are whereas, they could have been better of. I have known people, especially students who have thought and said, I can never understand Chemistry, Further Mathematics is impossible, just the word Literature makes me shiver, Government is beyond me. And others have the mentality like You cant make it without corruption, you can never be rich without stealing, you cant be a complete man without promiscuity and so on, you need to use what you have to get what you want, and many more. But Im telling you today, a mans mentality determines his ascent. Why? Because, a mans mind is like the fuel that keeps the car moving. You contain potential that can never be exhausted. It is only when you believe in you that those potentials will gain kinetic energy and begin to manifest. Ill liken a man to an elastic band. It can stretch to about 4 to 5 or more times of its original length. Now, a man whose mentality has limited him to his original length will remain there forever, while that brother or sister who believes and decides to stretch a little will discover that theres still a lot of grounds to cover and a whole lot hidden deep down. I stumbled on this quote and I think it would be helpful here, Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate; our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be gorgeous, handsome, talented, outstanding, brilliant? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. Come on! Let go of that ill mentality and come on, to the living mentality. The second thing is, many are just dreaming. For you to actualise your dream, you have to wake up first. The difference between a dreamer and an achiever is that a dreamer keeps dreaming, building castles in the air while an achiever makes it come alive, he goes for it. The point is this, after reading all those books and listening to all the messages, many must have been fired up to do something new, something different, have a new idea, make new plans, set new goals, take different decisions and many other resolutions. But all these, will be ineffective as long as we’re still dreaming. Put it into action! Take a student, after reading a piece from Myles Munroe, at the age of 22, he decides that he wants to graduate from the university with a first-class honours, start his own business and become as rich as possible and then invest in all sectors of the economy. Good dream, isn’t it? But at present, he finds it difficult to read for 2 hours daily in secondary school, he cheats in every exam and he is a truant. Come on, we all know that that dream will forever remain in obscurity. The right ideology but zero action, just like a toothless bulldog. Same thing with everyone of us, WAKE UP! Don’t just leave them as mere words, back them up with actions. You have plans to do something different? Do it. You’ve set new goals? Work towards it! A right head with a right step at the right time is what gets you there. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream and it remained a dream till Barack Obama woke up. Albert Eistein’s mother had a dream and it remained a dream till Albert Eistein woke up. Friend, you have a dream and that dream will remain a dream forever, unless you wake up. For the ernest expectation of the creation waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God” Arise and shine!!! It’s your time. Are you ready? On your mark! get set! go!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 10:37:41 +0000

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