NASUWT COMMENTS AHEAD OF THE PUBLICATION OF A-LEVEL RESULTS Commenting ahead of the publication of tomorrow’s A-level results, Chris Keates, General Secretary of the NASUWT, the largest teachers’ union in the UK, said: “Much of the speculation ahead of the publication of this year’s A-level results has focused on a predicted fall in the number of top grades being awarded, amid claims that this is the result of a ‘toughing up’ on exams by the Coalition Government. “The reality is that the bulk of the Government’s reforms to A-levels have not yet been implemented and so will have had no impact on this year’s results. “Furthermore, awarding bodies have indicated that any fall in top grades, if one does occur, is likely to be very small and that, overall, A-level results are likely to be broadly in line with recent years. “Teachers should be commended for their hard work to ensure that standards have been maintained despite the assault on teachers’ working conditions and the cuts to budgets in the post-16 sector, which have had a significant impact on the staffing levels and resources available in schools and colleges. “Young people have continued to excel despite the Government’s removal of financial support for the most disadvantaged students and its cuts to the system of independent careers advice and guidance. “The fact is that tomorrow’s results will have been achieved despite the Government’s reforms, not because of them.”
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 10:16:37 +0000

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