NC only party that guarantees to protect Article 370: - TopicsExpress


NC only party that guarantees to protect Article 370: Sagar Srinagar, January 8: Stating that National Conference is the only party that guarantees to protect the Article 370, party General Secretary Advocate Ali Mohammad Sagar Thursday said history is witness to the fact that NC has always stood by its people. Addressing a meeting of party workers, activists at the district headquarters at Shopian, Pulwama, Ganderbal and Pulwama districts, Sagar emphasized the need of involving more and more youngsters into the party fold and said they are the torch bearers for future of Jammu and Kashmir State. “There are party trying to hoodwink this agenda that they are the sole custodians of the people’s rights, but in reality they are the ones who have worked tirelessly to erode the special status of Jammu and Kashmir over the years,” Sagar said addressing the meetings. He said parties that today claim to protect the special status of Jammu and Kashmir state, helped different governments at centre to erode the article 370 gradually. “Right from 1953-75, these groups and individuals with the support of anti-Kashmir elements, eroded Article 370 over the years. Article 370 is the foundation and basis of the relationship between the state and the rest of country. The NC will press for the reversal of the erosion with letter and spirit of this article which guarantees special status to the state,” Sagar said. He said National Conference won’t allow the sacrifices of the martyrs to go waste who sacrificed their lives for our better tomorrow. “National Conference stands by its commitment of prosperous, self-reliable and democratic Kashmir. People associated with the NC won’t budge till the complete autonomy is restored, AFSPA is revoked from entire Kashmir and the issue of Kashmir is solved amicably,” he said. The NC leader said many parties, especially those floated by intelligence agencies, in connive with some groups in the centre have been covertly working hand-in-glove to erode article 370. He cautioned that the revocation of article 370 will weaken the integrity of the country and pose a serious threat to the peace in state. Sagar said the vote share of the National Conference as compared to past years has increased tremendously and so have the responsibilities of the leaders associated with it. “In the recently concluded assembly elections, about 10 Lakh people voted for NC which is one lakh more than the elections of 2008. We promise people that NC leadership stands by them and will work hard for the welfare of the people, whatever the conditions may be,” he said. Pinpointing the achievements of Omar Abdullah’s tenure as Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Sagar said these years witnessed a lot development in the state and the pro- youth initiatives taken by Omar Abdullah are historic. “Pro-youth initiatives like Himayat Scheme, SKEWP, Udaan and Centre’s Scholarships for youth, were a gift by Omar Abdullah Sahib to the youth of the state, who reposed their faith in the young and dynamic leader. It was only during his tenure that 500 youth returned from Pakistan Administered Kashmir through rehabilitation policy who are now living a peaceful life with their families,” he said. The meetings were also addressed by Provincial President National Conference, Nasir Aslam Wani, who stressed upon the party district presidents and other senior party functionaries to work for strengthening roots of the party.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 16:46:22 +0000

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