NC slams PDP, BJP for indulging in mudslinging, being evasive on - TopicsExpress


NC slams PDP, BJP for indulging in mudslinging, being evasive on 2008 agitation JAMMU JUNE 13- National Conference on Thursday slammed Peoples Democratic Party and Bharatiya Janata Party for indulging in mud-slinging and said that reactionary rhetoric will not absolve the two parties of their role in 2008 agitation. In a joint statement issued here today senior party leaders Mr Rattan Lal Gupta, Sheikh Bashir Ahmed, Babu Rampal, Thakur Kashmir Singh, Brij Mohan Sharma and S. Gurdeep Singh Sasan said that the sinister role of PDP and BJP is engraved in history, which will keep haunting the two parties. The leaders said that the petty politicking of PDP and BJP during the unfortunate Amarnath land row agitation had virtually led to the bifurcation of the State but for the sagacious role of saner majority in Kashmir and Jammu, who chipped in and saved the situation going out of hands. They said that despite worst machinations of the reactionary and communal forces, the people showed high degree of resilience and helped in resolving the crisis. The National Conference leaders, however, traced the similarity in thought process of the spokespersons of PDP and BJP, saying though pretending divergence they had a unique convergence of evading the reply to the core issue and using diversionary tactics. “Instead of responding to the core issue of their role in the agitation, the PDP and BJP were indulging in character assassination of the National Conference leaders”, they said while describing the reactions of the leaders of two parties akin to embarrassed cat scratching the poles. The National Conference leaders assailed BJP spokesman Dr. Jitendra Singh’s misconceived perception of the 2008 agitation and asked him as to what they achieved after 60-days of public inconvenience and turmoil. They maintained that the communal and regional forces certainly succeeded in whipping up the passions but ultimately failed in sustaining the anti-people tirade when truth unfolded upon the people. The National Conference leaders wondered over the observations of some picnic cadre of PDP over the governance and development taking place in the State and said it is the people who were the best judges to adjudge the performance. “If development is not visible to the picnic leaders who herald in the scintillating valley once in a blue moon, we can call it myopia and nothing else”, the leaders observed and advised the PDP leadership to introspect as to what they have done for the people and the state during their period, which was an aberration of the State’s political history. Referring to the statement of PDP spokesman Mr Nayeem Akhtar, the National Conference leaders said he has digressed from the real issues by taking refuge in residual issues. The National Conference leaders said that the BJP and PDP will have to clear their role in the court of people.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 14:58:56 +0000

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