#NCERT books : a negative influence on students ! NCERT - TopicsExpress


#NCERT books : a negative influence on students ! NCERT (National Council for Educational Research and Training)’s text books have worthless matter which is NOT SO Secular, anti-Hindu, pro-Mughal, creating western cultural influences, glorifying Congress rulers etc. By imbibing western culture and their habits, studying texts that glorify Mughals, the young generation of India is growing in such manner that they have no feelings towards our culture and country; in fact they become anti-Dharma and anti-nationals. By giving wrong information, the persons appointed by NOT SO Secular Congress Government, have made prepared textbooks to ensure that the young generation starts despising Hindu Deities, Dharma, culture and history. To illustrate this, some excerpts from the various textbooks published by NCERT are provided below : 1] There is an instruction in NCERT books for girl students to use cosmetics. 2] Mention of cigarettes in text books ! : The Government makes stringent rules for banning smoking; but in the text book, it is taught that Gopal takes out a cigarette box from his pocket and lights a cigarette. (If parents do not demand an explanation from NCERT for inculcating wrong impressions on children, they should remember that tomorrow, their children would start smoking in front of them ! – 3] Glorification of anti-Hindu Husains paintings : In Hindi text book of 11th standard, on page 126, students are taught how to obtain M. F. Husain’s paintings by using internet or contacting art galleries. It is a well known fact that M. F. Husain has drawn indecent pictures of Hindu Deities for getting publicity. (Will NCERT dare to include matter about where and how to get paintings that hurt religious sentiments of Muslims or Christians, in the text books? Heretics dare to do such things only because Hindus are indifferent towards their Dharma ! – 4] It is stated on pages 40 and 41 of history book for 6th standard that ‘our ancestors used to consume beef’. 5] On page 70 of 11th standard text book on ancient India, it is mentioned that Aryans invaded this country and started residing here. (This is anti-history nature of NCERT! When similar reference was made by Education Board in USA, the alert Hindus from California started agitation against American Government. The Hindu students took up the matter in Court. A devout organisation from USA called Hindu American Forum extended support to the said agitation. Recently, the Court has passed an order to remove such statements from the history book;
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 08:27:51 +0000

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