NEBRASKA EQUAL OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION ( NEOC) RENDERS FINAL RULING IN THOMAS LAMB -vs- WASHINGTON COUNTY. The NEOC has rendered its decision in Lamb v. Washington County. The finding of no probable cause in the final determination of the Commission on the age and retaliation discrimination complaint and a finding of no reasonable cause on the retaliation and whistle-blower retaliation discrimination. Specifically, the Commission found in regards to age discrimination: The evidence fails to show the complainant (Lamb) was harassed due to his age. The Evidence fails to show the complainant put the respondent (Sheriff) on notice of any alleged harassment or other discriminatory actions due to his age. The evidence shows that due to complainants interactions with staff he was suspended. The respondent permitted him to resign following its decision to discharge him. There is no evidence any action was due to complainants age or in retaliation for any alleged complaints. In regards to the whistle-blower retaliation the Commission found: The evidence fails to show the complainant engaged in a protected activity or complained about discrimination. Even if the harassment occurred as the complainant alleges the actions are neither severe nor pervasive. The evidence shows that due to complainants interactions with staff he was suspended. The respondent permitted him to resign following its decision to discharge him. There is no evidence any action was due to complainant having engaged in a protected activity. I appreciate everyones support during this time. Sheriff Mike Robinson
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 16:10:39 +0000

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