NED closely cooperates with the United States Information Agency - TopicsExpress


NED closely cooperates with the United States Information Agency (USIA), as well as with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). USIA presents itself as the independent foreign affairs agency within the American Government, while the USAID is supposed to be an independent federal government agency which provides the economic, humanitarian and democratic assistance overseas, while protecting the economic and political interests of the US. On the web sites of these organizations it is stated that they are all non-profit and non-governmental, but being that their work is financed by the American Government and their budget is approved by the US Congress, the non-governmental attribute is entirely false — they could be the non-profit, but they are also governmental. At the same time, if one looks at the NEDs background, it becomes obvious that the term non-governmental is merely a cover-up for the operations run by the United States Government through these non-profit organizations.The New Target: Vojvodina The Independent Association of the Journalists of Vojvodina (NDNV), on the page About Us on its web site, states that the main goals of the Association, today as before, were the struggle for the freedom of the press, for removal of the political influences which aim to instrumentalize the media in the propaganda purposes, in word — the advocacy of the professional, objective and sound informing. So, the Association advocates the removal of the political influences which aim to instrumentalize the media in the propaganda purposes while, at the same time, the entire project The Public Discussion About Vojvodina [under which the Association operates] is funded by the NED, which is a well-known US Government tool for enforcing its foreign policy. Therefore, the Independent Association of the Journalists of Vojvodina has, knowingly or unknowingly, trampled over its key principle: struggle against the political propaganda instrumentalization of the media. NDNV further claims it was denounced as an extended arm of the foreign powers by the Milosevics regime loudspeakers. Evaluation of whether the NDNV is an extended arm of the foreign powers would demand a deeper analysis, but it is entirely evident this Association is receiving funds from the official institution of one foreign power, with an aim to realize its governments foreign policy interests. So, for example, the Independent Association of the Journalist from Vojvodina received a donation by the NED in 2006 in the amount of $24,610, an information that can be found on the NEDs own web site. During the past period, NDNV has organized numerous round table discussions, which have demonstrated their close connections with the Soros-funded Open Society Institute, Center for the Cultural Decontamination, Helsinki Board for Human Rights—all sponsored by the foreign states, and with the Center for the New Media, financed by the German foundation Schuler helfen leben. The series of the public forums produced by the NDNV under the common headingInterview InVivo, held between October 29, 2005 and February 9, 2006, has been backed by the LSV Nenad Canak, who personally took part in the discussions, and by the cabinet of the Autonomous Vojvodina Parliament president, Bojan Kostres. The subjects of these forums were, for example, Radovan Karadzic Life and Events [Zivot i prikljucenija Radovana Karadzica], where the alleged mythical and mytho-maniacal consciousness of the Serbian nation was discussed, its xenophobic culture and consequences, the Serbian nationalism as the only opposition to communism and the fear of the Mitteleuropa (Central Europe); the Mission Impossible was examining the assumed hate-speech against Albanians and Kosovo, according to the NDNV web site. The hate speech against Kosovo? Does this Association considers Kosovo an independent state entity?search.tb.ask/search/redirect.jhtml?action=pick&ct=GD&qs=&searchfor=usaid+g17+plus&cb=AYY&pg=GGmain&p2=%5EAYY%5Exdm095%5EYYA%5Ers&n=780b871d&qid=35b9bfe5829241698a8be1affb65fa0c&pn=1&ss=sub&st=kwd&ptb=7AF598F9-9F93-4D53-9C38-BEFC5DA974D1&tpr=sbt&si=flvrunner&redirect=mPWsrdz9heamc8iHEhldEUg%2F0oCrpu8BQpvoEeeFmcHiB3iucC53vEBpijCUjcpP&ord=0&
Posted on: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 06:50:09 +0000

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