NEVER TRUST A BLURRY PICTURE Years ago during my foray into the - TopicsExpress


NEVER TRUST A BLURRY PICTURE Years ago during my foray into the abyss of online dating, I was in communication with a woman with a very blurry photo. At first I paid little attention to her somewhat limited email conversations but she was at least consistent. So on a whim I decided to meet her for lunch at a Corner Bakery restaurant in Orange County California. I had an engagement that night in LA so I figured what the heck, its just lunch, its in a busy area with lots of people milling around. Totally safe. So during my drive northward from San Diego I started to daydream. Was she Asian? ( she had those almond far as I could tell). Was she a light skinned Sistah??? Maybe European ? Possibly a white lady with a tan ?? (Yes the pic was THAT blurry, and from a distance) So I arrived early, ( as white folks are known to do) and I parked my car in such a way as to be able to monitor the arriving cars near the restaurant. She told me she would be driving an early model BMW, white with tan trim. I saw the vehicle slowly turn in and park. I was a bit nervous and the added mystery of who she was added that extra rush. The car door opened slowly very slowly and she got out slowly very slowly. Im thinkin, shes too cool just takin her time. A crisp white pant suit with a beautiful shear blue shawl draped over her shoulders. Classy!!! Her back was towards me as I approached and I said Delores? ?? That you? She turned around with a wide eyed big smile and said Hello there! Then we hugged and I said (as we started walking to the eatery) its so nice to finally meet you! Now things like this happen really fast so theres really no time to focus on someones features until you sit down face to face. Conversation wasnt real smooth as we stood in line to order and it seemed like she really wasnt interested in any of the various entrees , so she finally ordered a side salad and a water. We sat down and I finally was able to focus on her. Long jet black hair, very full lips, large catlike eyes but something just wasnt right. Then the food came. I reached across the table to take her hands before I prayed over the food. These were the hands of a MUCH OLDER WOMAN. I would guess maybe 75--80. Im on a date with the plastic surgery queen from Leisure World! Aaaaaaaarrrrrhghhhh! Then she took out the 7 day Pill Box.! We soon finished and as I walked to her vehicle Im thinking Im home free just a couple more seconds. As I went to hug her goodbye I decided to give her a peck on the cheek, as I would my grandmother. Well.....that was her chance...........she turned her head toward me at the last second and my lips (and part of my nose) were enveloped by what felt like luke warm Lasagna Noodles. Instantly I flashbacked to my early childhood and Aunt Cleo. Aunt Cleo for some reason would always kiss us on the lips, (and Aunt Cleo had some lips..... Kinda like Don Knotts) so whenever I saw here coming I would run to the barn and hide. But alas......she would always find me and there was no denying her! (sorry had to come out someday). :) Why do we let people do crazy stuff to us? Always avoiding confrontation while the other person knows exactly what they are doing. Today ......I would have called her out.....right there in the cafe. She was a fraud and wasted my time. People who make lifestyle choices to manipulate, deceive, hustle and misrepresent should be confronted. Jesus confronted folks without being confrontational. Calling someone out on their actions (however uncomfortable) could be the first step toward changed behavior.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:25:33 +0000

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