NEW MASS TERROR ATTACKS? THANK PRINCE CHARLES! An article in Britain’s The Telegraph of 8 January by Tom Whitehead opened with a chilling forecast, one echoed in numerous other media outlets in the UK and Australia: “Al-Qaeda is planning a Paris-style terrorist atrocity against Britain, according to the head of MI5. Andrew Parker, the Director General of the Security Service, warned that the threat of a ‘mass casualty attack’ was growing and that intelligence pointed to the existence of specific plots. … Mr Parker warned that although three terrorist plots had been foiled in recent months, it was almost inevitable that one would eventually succeed.” When that happens, when your friends or loved ones are killed or maimed in such an attack, you can send a thank you note to Prince Charles. Because there is no single individual in the world more intimately associated with the leading Saudi orchestrators of international terrorism over the past three decades than Charles himself. To appreciate that reality, begin with an extraordinary press conference convened on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. on 7 January, within hours of the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris. There, US Congressmen Walter Jones and Stephen Lynch together with former US Senator Bob Graham and members of 9/11 victims’ families, demanded the declassification of the infamous 28 pages of the 2002 US House of Representatives/Senate Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11. Those 28 pages prove that the Saudi government organised 9/11. Senator Graham, the longtime head of the Senate Intelligence Committee who had chaired that investigation, charged “There is a threat to national security by non-disclosure, and we saw another chapter of that today in Paris.” The fact that the Saudi role had been covered up for so long, Graham emphasised, “accelerated their support for one of the most extreme forms of Islam, Wahhabism, throughout the world … they have supported the religious fervor, with financial and other forms of support, of the institutions which were going to carry out those extreme forms of Islam. Those institutions have included mosques, madrassas, and military. Al-Qaeda was a creature of Saudi Arabia, the regional groups such as al-Shabaab have been largely creatures of Saudi Arabia; and now, ISIS is the latest creature!” [Click here to view a 9 January LaRouchePAC webcast featuring excerpts of the press conference, and a following analysis by Jeffrey Steinberg, Intelligence Director of Executive Intelligence Review magazine.] https://youtube/watch?v=JAQcUHD5X7M&x-yt-ts=1421828030&x-yt-cl=84411374 Meanwhile, an identical but even more far-reaching cover-up of the Saudi role in orchestrating international terrorism has been carried out in the UK, in which all roads lead to Prince Charles. That reality is elaborated in the November/December issue of The New Citizen newspaper, published by the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia. Here we highlight merely the proverbial tip of that iceberg. According to innumerable public accounts, the “28 pages” prove that the 9/11 hijackers were personally financed by Prince Bandar bin-Sultan, Saudi Ambassador to the US from 1983-2005. One of the most influential Saudi personalities of recent decades, Prince Bandar has also been Secretary-General of the Saudi National Security Council (2005-present) and head of Saudi Intelligence (2012-14). According to his biographer William Simpson, Bandar personally funnelled $3 billion to the mujahedin that gave birth to Al-Qaeda, while in 1985 he also struck the infamous Al-Yamamah deal with PM Margaret Thatcher. That still-ongoing deal—the largest export deal in British history—swaps British arms for Saudi oil; it generated an off-the-books fund estimated already by the mid-2000s at $100 billion, used to finance the Afghan mujahedin networks from which sprang Al-Qaeda. Later phases of the deal, including “Al-Yamamah II” in the 1990s, were negotiated by Prince Charles himself, as he did the “Al-Salam” sale of 72 BAE Systems Eurofighter aircraft during his most recent state visit to Saudi Arabia from 17-19 February 2014. Britain’s Serious Fraud Office investigated Al-Yamamah during 2003-06, including its reported £1 billion in bribes to Bandar, but that investigation was shut down by PM Tony Blair. Blair cited grounds of “national and international security”, the same which US Presidents George W. Bush and now Barack Obama have claimed in their refusal to release the 28 pages. Said Blair, “Our relationship with Saudi Arabia is vitally important for our country in terms of counter-terrorism.” But Blair was merely the instrument of the cover-up. Its true author appeared in a 2005 book entitled Saudi Babylon: Torture, Corruption and Cover-Up Inside the House of Saud. Author Mark Hollingsworth, in collaboration with Sandy Mitchell, chronicled the Saudi Kingdom’s imprisonment and torture of Mitchell in 2000. The book also provided a detailed account of an extraordinary meeting which took place at New Scotland Yard in April 2003 (pp. 46-47): “Prince Charles’s relationships with prominent House of Saud members have created serious problems and obstacles to UK agencies investigating claims of Saudi financing of international terrorism, according to Special Branch sources [emphasis added]. The delicacy and sensitivity of Prince Charles’s friendships was raised during a meeting at New Scotland Yard in April 2003. Families of the victims of 9/11 had filed a lawsuit accusing some members of the House of Saud, notably Prince Sultan and the new UK Ambassador, Prince Turki, of supporting Al-Qaeda in the past. Their lawyers were in Europe investigating allegations that senior Saudi royals had backed Islamic charities, run by the government, which funded the 9/11 hijackers. “The meeting at New Scotland Yard was attended by detective-chief inspector Stephen Ratcliffe, the Special Branch officer in charge of tracking terrorism financing; Peter Clarke, national director of countering terrorism funding; Robert Randall, a police liaison officer; and lawyers for the families of the 9/11 victims. Alan Gerson, a lawyer for 9/11 relatives, outlined their case and said that the Saudi royal family were put on notice in 1999 by US National Security Council (NSC) officials in Riyadh that funds for Al-Qaeda came from Saudi. ‘There were similar warnings to the Saudis in London as well,’ said Ratcliffe, ‘although some of our regulatory agencies were not always up to scratch in tracing the money’. “‘Well, have the UK authorities uncovered anything to show that charities run by some members of the Saudi royal family were channelling money to the terrorists?’ asked Gerson. “Ratcliffe looked hesitant and a little sheepish. ‘Our ability to investigate the Saudis is very limited,’ he said. He then paused, looked across at a photograph of Prince Charles on the wall, raised his eyebrows and smiled knowingly without saying a word. ‘He did not say anything, but the message was crystal clear when he looked at the picture,’ said a police officer who was present. ‘It was Prince Charles’s special relationship with the Saudis which was a problem. He gave no other reason why he was restricted.’” Credible as it clearly is, one need not rely solely on Hollingsworth’s account of Charles’s intimacy with Saudi kingpins of international terrorism. The two Saudi influentials named in that New Scotland Yard meeting, Prince Bandar and Prince Turki, for instance, were two of only 8 foreign royals whom Charles invited to his 2005 wedding with Camilla Parker-Bowles. Bandar biographer William Simpson reported that Bandar’s relationship with Charles was long-standing and “very close”. As for Bandar’s brother-in-law Prince Turki, he headed Saudi General Intelligence from 1979-2001 during which time he created Al-Qaeda. He suddenly resigned from that post only 10 days before 9/11, and though featured in the 9/11 families’ lawsuit and subsequently named by a convicted 9/11 conspirator as one of its main orchestrators, Turki still went on to become Saudi Ambassador to the UK (2003-05) and to the US (2005-06). CHARLES’S OXFORD CENTRE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES Then consider the present or past board members, or major financiers of one of Charles’s main “private charities”, his Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS). Charles has long been deeply involved with the OCIS not only as its Patron, but as a result of his own “fascination with Islam”, in the words of Bandar biographer Simpson. PRINCE BANDAR BIN SULTAN—contributed an estimated $US13-24.4 million to the OCIS in the early 1990s according to various accounts, and also arranged for then-Saudi King Fahd to kick in another $32.4 million in 1997. PRINCE TURKI BIN FAISAL—a member of the OCIS Board of Trustees and chairman of its Strategy Advisory Committee, named as financier and coordinator of 9/11. PRINCE MOHAMED BIN FAISAL—a brother of Prince Turki and known as a “pioneer of Islamic banking”, he was named by the 9/11 families in a lawsuit. ABDULLAH OMAR NASEEF—co-founded the OCIS and chairs its Board of Trustees. In the 1980s, Naseef co-created Maktab al-Khidamat, the backbone organisation of the Arab-Afghan mujahedin in Afghanistan, which in 1989 changed its name to Al-Qaeda. He, too, has been named a financier of terrorism in a 9/11 families’ lawsuit. After Queen Elizabeth II herself granted the OCIS a Royal charter in May 2011, Naseef exulted, “This is very good news. This shows that the British government, the Queen, and the whole state are very much aware that the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies is doing very well to make relations between the Islamic world and the Western world closer and to bring Islam and its role into the international arena.” YUSUF AL-QARADAWI—board member of the OCIS from 1985-2006. Qatar-based spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, he has issued fatwas for the overthrow and assassination of Libya’s Qadaffi and Syria’s Assad, and in July 2012 threatened the assassination of Egyptian leader Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, now President of Egypt. In a 30 January 2009 broadcast on Al-Jazeera TV he proclaimed that “Hitler Put the Jews in Their Place”: “Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the [Jews] people who would punish them for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them—even though they exaggerated this issue—he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them.” THE BIN LADEN FAMILY—The family of Osama bin Laden was among the Saudi, Qatari and Kuwaiti private donors of some $70 million to the OCIS, endowing its “Mohammed bin Laden chair” named after Osama’s father. Osama had been recruited by Prince Turki to set up the Maktab al-Khidamat network, the future Al-Qaeda. WHY IS CHARLES PROTECTING INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM? The British Crown-centred City of London and Wall Street financial oligarchy is merely weeks or perhaps a few months away from suffering a financial meltdown far worse than that of 2007-08, a reality discussed almost daily in the world’s media. Therefore, before that crash vaporises this oligarchy’s present lock grip on political power, it isunleashing ever-greater waves of terrorism to justify establishing fascist police states in the UK, in the US, in Australia and wherever else it can. For the same reason, this Crown-centred oligarchy is driving towards a showdown with China and Russia, with the very real prospect of unleashing a global thermonuclear war. Charles is helping to lead this insane confrontation, which is why in early 2014 he proclaimed Russia’s Vladimir Putin to be a “new Hitler”. WHAT YOU CAN DO 1. Contact your MP and demand that he or she raise the issue of Charles’s protection of international terrorism on the floor of Parliament. 2. Demand that your MP support the immediate passage of Glass-Steagall legislation to break up the “Too Big to Fail” criminal combines of London and Wall Street, amendments for which only lost by a 225-274 vote in the UK House of Commons on 8 July and by a mere nine votes, 220-229 in the House of Lords on 26 November 2013. CITIZENS ELECTORAL COUNCIL OF AUSTRALIA MEDIA RELEASE FRIDAY, 16 JANUARY 2015 Craig Isherwood‚ National Secretary PO Box 376‚ COBURG‚ VIC 3058 Phone: 1800 636 432 Email: [email protected] Website: Click here for a copy of the latest New Citizen newspaper which contains the dossier “Charles of Arabia and the Al-Qaeda/ISIS Nexus” Click here to join the CEC as a member. Click here to refer others to receive regular email updates from the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 02:25:13 +0000

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