NEXT! ! Jupiter Retrograde 12-8-2014/4-8-2015 When Jupiter - TopicsExpress


NEXT! ! Jupiter Retrograde 12-8-2014/4-8-2015 When Jupiter shifts direction, our personal philosophies, how we relate to the world and to whom we relate will dramatically change. It is a cycle for seeking out inner meanings. Relating becomes more spiritual and philosophical. We can no longer relate superficially. The individual can actually become less social but not because of a lack of self-worth, as with Venus Retrograde. An event or experience jolts the individual into a new sense of values, no longer judging by appearances. Psychologically, Jupiter rules role playing, living up to the expectations of others, presenting yourself as something that you are not in order to win approval. This is phony role playing. Almost always, the Jupitarian person is extremely creative but the message was that “playing the piano is not a job so become a doctor, account or an engineer…just creativity is just for hobbies.” Making money, having a big house, driving a fancy car are all more important than what is on the inside of a person. When Jupiter turns retrograde, money and material possessions just do not seem important anymore. Playing the role, playing the game, no longer appeals to the individual. During the transition period or station, events can affect finances, ideals, philosophies, aspirations, education and a distant journey could be the trigger. Problems can arise from being impractical (being judged as impractical because the individual has actually changed), disregarding of details or being too philosophical, especially if Jupiter makes any difficult aspects by progression. I should add that Jupiter rules our sense of moderation and proportion – how much is too much, how much is not enough, do I have enough time to get to my appointment or am I out on a limb in this matter. Some people are never on time and others arrive much too early because they are not sure how long it will take to travel. People with weight issues can have difficulties with Jupiter because they did not know portions or how much they are eating. These excesses can cause health problems, not just related to weight. When we play a role for the approval or friends and family, this can lead to diabetes. If we work too hard and push ourselves beyond what our bodies can support, this can trigger high blood pressure and heart disease. Jupiter turning retrograde can help the individual get off this never-ending treadmill of seeking the approval of something or someone outside of ourselves. Jupiter turning retrograde can assist us to make changes that favorably impact our health. When Jupiter turned retrograde in the 9th House, one student experienced a great shift in values. She was born with a Direct Jupiter. She loved to entertain and socialize, probably because she could showcase her lovely home and impress the boss. When Jupiter turned Retrograde, he father passed away (unusual for Jupiter turning Retrograde but it was a catalyst). Suddenly, she let go of many old relationships, feeling that they were superficial and no longer important. She could no longer play the social games. Moreover, she lost all interest in entertaining. When Jupiter turns direct, it becomes easier for the individual to move in the world of externals. They do not lose their spiritual or philosophical focus but they find that they can carry this into formal, material and worldly applications. Goals can change – what the individual relates in a different manner. There is a new practicality – the sense of moderation and proportion improves. There can be an improved financial circumstance. Broadening experiences are focused into material accomplishment. And if you go outside late night or very early morning you may catch a glimpse of Jupiter Retrograde in Leo/Lions sign. As shown in picture 2 below. Blessed Be! *White Owl
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:00:01 +0000

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