NIGERIA MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCE STUDENT’S ASSOCIATION (NIMELSSA LAUTECH CHAPTER) NIMELSSA ELECTORAL COMMISSION (NEC) 2014 Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, PMB 4400, Osogbo, Osun State. Motto: free, fair and credible election LIFTING OF BAND FOR OPEN CAMPAIGN Of the greatest NIMELSSITES, this is to notify all members of this noble association that all aspirants for the forth coming election in to various position in the association are allowed to campaign openly starting from today January 1st, 2015, as resolved in the last congress held, and the open campaign is expected to end by January 14th ,2015, as election will be conducted on the 15th January,2015. NIMELSSA Electoral Commission, therefore implore all students to be of good conduct before, during and after the election. WARNING: NIMELSSA Electoral Commission (NEC), uses this medium to restrict all aspirants and their campaign committees from pasting campaign posters on walls of campus as department and school authority frowns against such act, therefore perpetrators of this act are liable to sanction by the school authority, please beware! Thanks for your anticipated cooperation. THE ELECTORAL ACT NEC 2014 According to section 42 0f NIMELSSA constitution, 1.) The electoral act will serve as a guide to the NEC for each year. 2.) The electoral act has the following provisions, thus, the NEC for each year must take note of these provisions: A.) The CGPA for contestant should be decided by NEC the for each year as one of the criteria for elections, but no contestant either for offices in CEC, SENATE OR JUDICIARY COUNCIL should have a CGPA as at that election time or period to be
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 15:42:46 +0000

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