...NIGERIA YOUTH AS THE LEADERS OF TOMORROW... God in His infinite wisdom through nature has bestowed on us certain benefits or one may like to call them the good things of life. Naturally God created everything and appointed onto it a time. This may explain the reason why people are born, they grow from being babies and become men suddenly they aged and died. As young people it is only natural for us to aspire to become men and not just men but responsible men who will be able to assume the roles of controlling or handling things around us. It is still the courtesy of this nature that we the youths have the hope of one day becoming leaders of our communities or nations. Lucky enough, one of the most common ideas expressed by our leaders when they talk about our youths is the fact that the youths are the leaders of tomorrow. However, what may leave one so much to wonder is when and which of the tomorrows that our youth have the hope of leading. It will be most appropriate and rightly to say that, The youth of today are the followers of tomorrow hence a critical look at our Nigeria situation reveals that its only those who are leaders of today that can be leaders of tomorrow, our leaders have a superb ambiquitous attitude, for instance it may interest us to be reminded that Nigeria today is ran by people who were leaders of the same country like thirty three years ago. So many of our leaders have become career ministers, senators, advisors, commissioners and so on. One then begins to wonder when the so called leaders of tomorrow will have the chance to become leaders. For instance that until now Nigeria is still led by the same people who led Nigeria about thirty three years ago, that is enough time for the youths of thirty three years ago to assume leadership today. A critical look at this scenario would mean that there is no hope for the youths of today to become leaders of our tomorrow. Nigeria today is only recycling leaders as if there are no fresh hands ripe enough to handle the mantle of leadership. Although our experienced leaders of yesterday, today and tomorrow have failed us several times too many to mention, they have not seen any reasons why fresh hands should be tried with the coming of the democratic experiments in the country, the chances of the youths becoming leaders are even getting blinker. All what these selfish leaders could do is suppressing the youth by impoverishing, discrediting them and getting them involved in dirty and unacceptable behaviours like political thuggery, ethnic or communal violence which they later used against the youth, even though such ills are masterminded by them. Our youths fall prey to these selfish leaders through their baits of a token due to poverty level of the youths. It is therefore suffix to say that the youths needs to rise up to fight for their own, hence our selfish leaders do not really have their youth at heart, whatever about them is mere cosmetics. The youth should also learn to avoid been used by these leaders just to be discredited later and sidelined at the background. Let our selfish leaders stop referring to the youth of today as leaders of tomorrow hence their tomorrow does not come even in two life times. Our youths should simply be referred to as the followers of today, tomorrow, and forever, the truth should be said, the myth should be debunked, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh: self deceit is too dangerous. May we take caution.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:53:15 +0000

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