NLM CAMPAIGN AGAINST BRIBES, BOOZE AND FEASTS DURING ELECTIONS Volunteers to join tomorrow Sunday at 11 am. There are many reasons for why a society becomes corrupt and then ordinary citizens are forced to live a sinful life in this world and beyond. Here is one very strong reason and how it works… Democracy’s most sacred exercise – elections, have become a race to spend money on bribes, booze and feasts to please the voters and now even in Ladakh all parties without exception have been indulging in it. Let’s see what it does! Voters expecting these short term goodies make the politicians go to contractors and big businesses to seek funds to support the extravagance. These businessmen do them the favour at election time, but once the elections are over and the government is formed…!!! It now becomes the turn of the politicians running the government to return the favours. Suppose a contractor is breaking laws, cutting costs and building an unsafe bridge. Yes the government should act, but if they go for inspection, what do they find? That it’s the same contractor who had given them a huge sum of money at election time. So you can imagine their position! They are forced to turn a blind eye and let the contractor go ahead. Then finally the bridge collapses and a dozen people are killed. Still the contractor is protected because…You have guessed right! They are forced to return that favour. You little brother is killed under the bridge and want to shout and protest … but you have no one to blame except yourself. It was you who had happily accepted that bottle of booze and devoured that feast. Contractors and businessmen are not bad. No the businessmen would have needed to bribe/sponsor the politician if YOU had SAID NO! TO BRIBES, BOOZE AND FEASTS during election time. It’s still not too late. Let’s uproot this seed of corruption this time. NLM members recently decided to do a purely non-partisan village to village campaign in all the blocks of Leh district to appeal to the public to stop this disease. 1. So any passionate young men and women who want to volunteer to stop this vicious cycle are requested to gather at the NLM Youth Centre near BSNL office, New Bus Stand Leh at 11 am tomorrow Sunday the 9th of November. 2. Those of you who are not in Ladakh but would like to participate in this critical campaign can help by supporting the basic costs of this campaign, for example transport and food expenses of the volunteers who will be braving the cold and wintry conditions currently prevailing in Ladakh. 3. Youth groups in Kargil are requested to organize exercises on similar lines. If Aam Aadmi Party used to collect lakhs of rupees a day for a similar cause, I am sure Ladakhi people will also not mind donating few hundred a day for this most urgent cause. So, if any of you are interested in contributing to this effort you can message me or say so in the comments below. WE SHALL OVERCOME SOMEDAY!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 15:51:49 +0000

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