NO MATTER HOW HOPLESS IS UR SITUATION…..TAKE A STEP OF FAITH …AND GOD WILL SEND IN THE RIGHT PEOPLE, THE RIGHT SITUATION, THE RIGHT WORDS TO LIFT U UP HIGHER THAN U EVER IMAGINED The young man came from school disillusioned and sad, he did not know what to make of his life, all things seem to be going wrong in his life, he seemed not to be making progress in life…..with family, with school and with his direction in life! …it was 1975, he didn’t know even what to make or hope for his life - the life of a young African American boy ina poor neighborhood with a low showing at school…… despair as always he went to his mother’s beauty salon as always to see how she was trying to overcome the struggles of their lives from her small business stand… he entered he met one of the regular customers seating in, he greeted the lady gloomily and went to take a seat by the far corner. The woman saw his sad countenance, she saw the frustration in him….she then brought out a paper and wrote something on it and gave it….on it was written….. “my boy, I have seen that you will travel all over the world, speak to millions and make a positive impact in the lives of the people you will come across…” …the boy was elated, nobody had ever said such nice things about him….he had always heard a strong criticism of what he cannot be, and of the disadvantage of being black….he was always in the company of discouragement, but now he was getting a new word, a new vision to his life… ..the young man put that word of prophecy in his pocket and in his heart. And from that day he went through life with a new vigour and a new hope… ..he was now a new person in himself from then …and anytime he faces an obstacle and the situation tries to get him discouraged, he will bring out Mrs Green’s note from his pocket and read it all over again… …and today….had it not been for that word of prophecy, for that word of encouragement, for that word that lifted his spirit in his darkest hours…the young man wont have become what he turned out to be…… And the world would never have had the benefit of knowing who Denzel Washington is and can do… …from the day that Denzel Washington got the word of encouragement from Mrs Green he went about his life a new person…..he got that new word of hope in the hour of his greatest need, just when he was about to give up….and it was so because God was investing in his dream and won’t allow him to give up on his destiny… it does not matter how hopeless ur situation appears now…when u take a step of faith God will sent the right people to lift you up, the right word to ginger you up, the right situation to take you to the direction that He has created you to be… and today Denzel always recall with thanks to God for the word of encouragement He sent through Mrs Green…….and today millions are hearing of him all over the world because he took a step of faith when he got that word… .and today I don’t know who you are, I don’t know what is ur dream in life…..but I want to speak a word of prophecy to ur life, I want to send a word of encouragement to lift you to ur God given destiny …I don’t know wat are ur struggles today, I don’t know what door is close to u in life today but I see a great new opening coming to ur life, I see you riding far above ur challenges to claiming the great glory God has for ur life …I see you riding high above the world of ur challenges and claiming ur great possession, and whatever is the situation u are facing now I want you to take a step of faith today, I want you to move above the obstacles and frustrations around you… .i want you go with a spirit of being victorious because God is investing in ur dream and He is about to lift u higher than u can ever imagine…
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 21:47:32 +0000

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