NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT THE DAY OR THE HOUR BUT THE FATHER ALONE | MALACHI 4:1-4 THE SUN of RIGHTEOUSNESS & THE SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN | (458.5) 41:3.5 The most recent of the major cosmic eruptions in Orvonton was the extraordinary double star explosion, the light of which reached Urantia in A.D. 1572. This conflagration was so intense that the explosion was clearly visible in broad daylight. https://youtube/watch?v=jtNtsyZhy6k URANTIA, THE WORLD OF THE CROSS | Gods Name is Great in Israel + Zechariah 14:9 His Name is ONE | INRI | Exodus 3:14 (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh) | INRI [EYNR] (357.3) 32:0.3 Urantia belongs to a local universe whose sovereign is the God-man of Nebadon, Jesus of Nazareth and Michael of Salvington. And all of Michael’s plans for this local universe were fully approved by the Paradise Trinity before he ever embarked upon the supreme adventure of space. Exodus 3:15 YHWH [Proto-Hebrew: ESET][My NickName: ESET, ISIT]: This is my Eternal Name , My Name to Remember {Memorial Name, Name of Remembrance / Remember-Rans} to All Generations. IS IT not? Exodus 3:16 YHWH , Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh [ESET, I AM THAT I AM][i.e. Latin Id Est meaning THIS IS] (1031.4) 94:4.3 1. The Brahman, the Absolute, the Infinite One, the IT IS. [YHWH = ESET = ISIT = The IT IS = ALLAH, BE & IT IS] THEOCRACY: The Highest ONE and The Most High Unique Sons (110.4) 10:2.6 The Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit are Unique Persons; None is a Duplicate; Each is Original; All are United. (28.3) 1:5.6 The Father and his Sons are ONE. (31.6) 1:7.6 “The LORD GOD is ONE.” https://youtube/watch?v=LBdfYNK_lvM Surat Hud 11:120 All that we relate to thee of the stories of the messengers,- with it We make firm thy heart: in them there cometh to thee the Truth, as well as an exhortation and a message of remembrance to those who believe. ALLAH-ALLAH [ALA-ALA] Kawi meaning REMEMBRANCE | Surat Al-Baqarah 2:63 And remember We took your covenant and We raised above you (The towering height) of Mount (Sinai) : (Saying): Hold firmly to what We have given you and bring (ever) to remembrance what is therein: Perchance ye may fear Allah. Malachi 3:16 And a Book of Remembrance [URANTIA] was written before Him for them that feared The LORD, and that Thought upon His Name. https://youtube/watch?v=WLqu6nIITJ8 ISAYAH 8:18 We are Signs and Symbols in Israel from The LORD Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion. REVELATION 12:12 Therefore Rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for The Devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. https://youtube/watch?v=WXgnOX9RhqQ ALLAH & YHWH IS ONE AND THE SAME PERSONA | The Holy Great ONE {The Highest ONE & The Uniq Most High Sons] | The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to those, You want to know My Name? I AM called according to my actions. When I judge the creatures I AM Elohim [Elojim], and when I have mercy with My world, I AM named YHWH (Exodus Rabbah 3:6) hebrew4christians/Names_of_G-d/YHVH/yhvh.html (143.3) 13:0.3 The Seven Secret Spheres of the Universal Father, circulating about Paradise in close proximity to the eternal Isle, are highly reflective of the spiritual luminosity of the central shining of the eternal Deities, shedding this light of divine glory throughout Paradise and even upon the seven circuits of Havona. (365.1) 32:5.5 The Sectors of Time are like the flashes of personality in temporal form; they appear for a season, and then they are lost to human sight, only to reappear as New Actors and continuing factors in the higher life of the endless swing around the eternal circle in a delimited universe moving over a vast, elongated circle around the central dwelling place of the Universal Father. https://youtube/watch?v=1wiBtYITrxM The Incarnation — Making Two One | (1331.1) 120:4.1 And so certain unworthy children of Michael, who had accused their Creator-father [Dyaus-Zeus, JeZeus, Jesus] of selfishly seeking rulership and indulged the insinuation that the Creator Son was arbitrarily and autocratically upheld in power by virtue of the unreasoning loyalty of a deluded universe of subservient creatures, were to be silenced forever and left confounded and disillusioned by the life of self-forgetful service which the Son of God now entered upon as the Son of Man — all the while subject to “the Will of the Paradise Father.” https://youtube/watch?v=FGEadTkAMMA (1766.5) 159:3.9 Said Jesus: In preaching the gospel of the kingdom, you are simply teaching friendship with God. And this fellowship will appeal alike to men and women in that both will find that which most truly satisfies their characteristic longings and ideals. Tell my Children that I AM not only tender of their feelings and patient with their frailties, but that I am also Ruthless with sin and intolerant of iniquity. I AM indeed meek and humble in the Presence of my Father, but I am equally and relentlessly INEXORABLE where there is deliberate evil-doing and sinful rebellion against the will of my Father * John 15:16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit--fruit that will last--and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. https://youtube/watch?v=NDTzcFgUiz4 2 Timothy 4:1 I solemnly charge you in the Presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: https://youtube/watch?v=9SX-QjHPceo | https://youtube/watch?v=6oqGtAsUiyo | (508.5) 44:8.7 [Indited by an Archangel of Nebadon.]
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 19:43:40 +0000

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