NO SEEKER OF TRUTH OR A TRUE MUSLIM WILL NOT READ THIS. THEY SAY QURAN AND HADITH...AND THAT I DONT KNOW THEM. DEAR FAIR MINDED MUSLIM, Mohammed Harris Zaman and I NEED YOUR FAIR JUDGEMENT HERE, IN SHA ALLAH. Allah said, “O Messenger! Make known that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord, for if thou do it not, thou wilt not have conveyed His message. Allah will protect thee from mankind.” (Holy Qur’an, 5:7). Two hadith, among many, supports this ayat (verse) (1) Ibn Hibab and Ibn Mardawayh have reported from Abu Hurrayrah that he said: When being in the company of the messenger of Allah (S) on a journey, we used to dedicate for him the greatest and most shadowy tree to sit under. One day he sat under a tree, hanging his sward on it, when a man came and took it, saying: O Mohammad, who can protect you against me? The Prophet (S) replied: Allah protects me against you…put away the sword. The man returned the sword. Thereat, the verse “and Allah will protect thee from mankind” was revealed. Refer to Ibid., Vol 3 p. 4. (2) Al-Tabarrani and Abu Nu’aym in al-Dala’il narrates that Ibn Mardawayh and Ibn Asakir have reported from Ibn Abbas that he said: The prophet (S) was having a bodyguard, and his uncle Abu Talib used to send with him every day some men from Banu Hashim to safeguard him. One day He (S) said (to him) O uncle! Allah has protected me, so I am in no need any more for those you send.” Refer this hadith to the most staunch Sunni scholars and Imams in their authentic works. These are: 1. Ibn Hajar’s al-Isabah, Vol. III, p. 287. 2. Fath al-Bari, Vol. VI p. 31. 3. Al-Bidayah wa al’nihayah, Vol. VIII, pg. 102. 4. Siyar A’lam al-nubala of al-Dhahaba Vol. II pg. 436. And most of all 5. Abu Hurayra in Ibid Vol.III,p.4. And Ibn Hajar in al-Isaba Vol. III, p. 287 All the above respectful Sunni authorities and scholars attested to the fact that the said hadiths are true, authentic and pure to support that ayat. Let say that, the leader of Ahl- Sunna Wal Jamah in Ghana, (Sheikh Umar, may Allah accept his works and forgive him,) say that this hadiths are true, how can I n u dispute him? We can’t because; we trust him and up hold that he is more knowledgeable than us. Then how much more the above Sunni authorities and scholars, who lived and documented their works upon which Shiekh Umar learned and built his empire? For that matter their reports on the said hadith is nothing but true, right? Haha! My dear students and a pure mind who wants to learn, I, who knows nothing, is telling you today that, the said hadith are all lies, fabricated and a blunt slate of mind to occupy our brain so that we will be persuaded to believe it as true…and by so doing, we will divert from the reason why the or that verse, “Allah protect will protect thee from mankind” was revealed. Arguments refuting the said hadith: (1) Abu Hurayra never new Rasulul-llah (saw) until in the yr 7th of Hijra (Hijra means the journey of Rasul (saw) from Mecca to Medina. Islamic calendar starts from that day.) So we ask; where was Abu Hurayra in Mecca and all events that took place from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th of Hijra. Meaning any hadith that are said to be narrated by Abu Hurayra before the 7th of Hijra must be thrown out from any court of law, let alone in a scientific mind such as mine, in sha Allah. The above mentioned Sunni authorities and scholars are those who told us that Abu Hurayra never new Rasul till the 7th oh Hijra. Refer it to the same works of theirs above, in sha Allah. So how can Abu Hurayra report to us something that, according to him, was revealed before the era, 7th of Hira. Remember the hadith says, “…When we use to be in the company of the Prophet (S)…” Meaning, before and before means events that took place before 7th of Hira. However, this verse was revealed at the end of Rasulul-llah’s (saw) life…and both Ibn Jalal al-Din, Nana Ayisha (ra) and Ibn Kathir documented that this very verse was the last verse revealed. Prove of this can be traced in the authentic works of the authority of Hadith, Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, in his ever trusted work/book, al-Suyuti al-Durr al-manthur, Vol. III pg. 3. See Also, Ibn Al-Kathir Vol. II. p.71.See also ibn Kasir’s tafsir on that verse. Argument #2, refuting hadith #2: Ibn al-Kathir, gave tafsir of the above ayat as the last ayat of the holy Qur’an. See it yourself in Ibn Kathir Vol. II. p. 71. Also get Qur’an that its tafsir was given by Ibn Kathir, and look for that verse and read it yourself what he said about it. You will be amazed. If Ibn Kathir and nana Ayisha, (r. anha) said the above verse was the last verse of the Holy Qur’an, we are therefore forced to ask, was Rasul’s (saw) uncle, Abudul Talib alive during the last days of Rasul (saw) life? No, he was far dead and gone. So then are we to accept this hadith as authentic? This is because, the hadith says, Abu Talib used to send with him every day some men from Banu Hashim to safeguard him”These two arguments,are sufficient to render these hadiths as fabrication to that verse. In light of this, we, the Tijania, want Adam Ibrahim and Mohammed Harris Zaman and their proponent such as Kashuba Abdullah, to understand that the hadith they quoted and depend on to support their argument that Rasul’s (saw) parents are in hell, is fake. It was generated by the enemies of Rasul-llulah (saw) such as Muhawiyah and his Son, Yazid, among others, to annihilate Rasulul-llah (saw), his house hold and his entire family of Abdul Mutalib of the blessed Hashemite family, whom Allah (sw) himself and his Angles praise, in sha Allah...But little did they know that, one day, their stinky anus will be exposed. I thank God to be among those that expose them. Take care.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 13:31:14 +0000

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