NOT EVEN MICK JAGGER COULD GIVE HER SATISFACTION (Or I Can’t Get Me No Satisfaction on This Terrestrial Ball) I was once again reminded how money, prestige, power, and fame are sadly meaningless when once does not have peace in their hearts (most likely in this case though I’m not 100% certain). Reading newsbytes on Tuesday morning, I saw an article about a famous clothing designer in NYC named LWren Scott (age 49) who committed suicide. She had been Mick Jaggers girlfriend for the better part of 10 years as they lived together, a fashion model, fashion designer, costume designer, as well as an “influential Hollywood stylist [including] an international clientele of high profile actors and politicians.” She seemingly had everything, but still took her life…And that is so sad. What would make her do this? Depression is (usually) only a symptom of a deeper unhappiness and not the cause of the unhappiness. The world is not easy for anyone, and the lovely L’Wren Scott is no exception despite having everything and everyone at her disposal…Just because we have everything and everyone may really mean we have nothing. She was worth a pile of cash, had fame and fortune from her clothing designs, had the ultimate rock star boyfriend in Mick Jagger, and friends in prestigious places all over NYC and the world Im certain - but she hung herself “from a door knob with a scarf around her neck.” How sad and awful is that…? I never knew her, but I still was very sad for her. She obviously was desperately depressed, and sadly, found nothing at that point in all she had in worldly possessions, cash, or important people connections (at that moment) that gave her enough hope or courage to go on. And that to me is extremely sad...It is obvious she was not at peace with herself, and I’m willing to bet at the bottom of her depression were many unanswered life questions… And the world will paint her as a troubled, brilliant designer that now is finally at peace, and while she was here on earth lived a glorious and full life connected to wonderful and influential people. And I truly hope she is at peace, but did she really live a glorious and full life connected with wonderful people?! All I know is that her soul desperately needed peace and joy the world could not bestow at a time she most desperately needed it...Maybe her foundations were not in the right place? Is that possible though none of us really knew here? The world will never be able to give us what it was never designed to give us: peace, joy, and ultimate purpose. There is only One that can do that. Let us not be overly concerned with those things of the world that will completely fade, but focus on helping and serving others, and witnessing about and praising the One who gave us all the hope and joy we could ever desire in this fallen world...We must remember this life is but a quick ‘blip’ on the ‘radar screen of eternity’ – make sure your ‘transponder’ is always on and that God knows and can identify you at the end of days, as that is all that really matters…I truly hope LWren Scott is at peace - are you? SRB
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 15:57:47 +0000

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