NOT SO RANDOM THOUGHT: LISTENING TO BROKEN RECORDS In todays digital world, who uses records? Back before my time, a broken record would repeat the same line over and over until the needle was moved beyond the scratch or the record was thrown away. Im not the best listener in the world. I suck at it. I could lie and say I inherited the gift but thatd be some bull. The truth is, sometimes people speak and my ears be like nope and my only option would be to either ignore them or interrupt them and swiftly change the subject. Dont act like you havent done that before. We all do it and we all have had it done to us. It especially sucks when you really need to get something off your chest and you are waist deep in your feelings. After emotionally regurgitating, you notice your listener has left the conversation. He or she can only repeat the most recent thing youve said. Now if they can repeat your entire spill you especially need to keep reading. Heres the thing. Its hard to listen to someone who doesnt listen to themselves. On a personal level, I was able to connect being ignored to my ignorance of others. The translation: bruh, you keep crying about the same shit! How annoying is that? Do you know anyone who has been singing the same sad song repeatedly for the longest time? You have listened all you can. You have been a shoulder, you have been a friend, you have been a counselor, a road dawg. You even tried to do what Jesus would do. At one point you were a drinking buddy (yes you were!) and this big baby is still crying the same crocodile tears. Before I pat you on the back, lets reverse roles. We all have someone in our lives who we can pick up the phone and shoot the breeze with. Someone who knows our real stuff. Someone who will ride, pray, and get drunk with us. Yet every now and then venting to them is about amusing as venting to a wall....with outdated wood paneling. Do you see a pattern of repetition? We could lie and call it sacred geometry but thatd be some bull. The common effect is active listening becomes burned out at some point. At what point do you listen to yourself and realize you need to change YOUR own record? Not doing so and expecting someone to listen to your repetitive ass is INSANITY. You have got to be crazy if you think Im gonna do it. That sounded compassionless didnt it? Lets face it, we each have the authority to learn from and improve our own unpleasant situations but its going to require some self honesty - some accountability. Because if you find yourself complaining about the same old thing, its nobodys fault but your own. Sing unto the Lord a new song and quit messing up good beer by crying in it. Aint nobody got time for that. --Db
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 12:39:36 +0000

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